It's the End of the World

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"How's James doing?" The man asked.

"Oh he's bleeding all over the place. That's how he's doing! The girl of the ambulance put her hand inside of him! That's how he's doing!" Mindy yelled.

"What are you yelling at me for?" The man asked.

"Because! Because you and James are like idiots! Playing like 8-year olds!" Mindy said.

"Ok we don't play. We re-enact," The man said.

"You play! You put on your costumes and build your stupid toys and you play!" Mindy said.

"We re-enact," The man said.

"Nobody re-enacts World war II. You moron!" Mindy yelled.

"Exactly what happened?" Alex asked the man as he walked over to him.

"You wanna know what happened? What happened is my husband and his moron best-friend..." Mindy was cut off.

"Can you stop calling me a moron?" The man interrupted.

"Moron best-friend! Decided to build some kind of big gun," Mindy said.

"Yeah an exact replica of the finest allied anti-tank weapon of World war II. The M9A1 bazooka," The man said.

"So they put on their stupid costumes and they go out into the backyard and they try to shoot the thing!" Mindy yelled. Alex looked confused.

"I'm the gunrunner. James is the loader. Ok we follow the specifications exactly. You should see it. It's a 60 millimeter. One and a half pound rocket. It's a beauty," The man said.

"It didn't work. So like an idiot my husband has to go and stand in front of his big gun to see what went wrong! That's when the stupid toy starts working!" Mindy yelled. Alex and I looked at each other.

"He was shot with a bazooka," I said. Mindy and the man started yelling back and forth with each other.

"Was there an explosion?" Alex asked.

"What?" The man asked.

"Was there an explosion?" Alex and I asked.

"No. Why?" The man asked.

"Crap," Alex said. We both took off running down to the OR floor where James was in surgery. We got to the OR and pulled scrub caps on.

"Dr. Burke? I need to speak with you," Alex said.

"I am in surgery, Karev," Dr Burke said.

"You wanna talk to us sir," I said. Burke walked over.

"Karev, Sloan if you interrupt me in my OR it better be for a good damn reason," Dr Burke said.

"Was it through and through?" Alex asked.

"What?" Dr Burke asked.

"The wound on James Carlson. Was it through and through?" I asked.

"No, it was just an injury. No exit. Why?" Dr Burke asked.

"Mr Carlson was shot with a bazooka sir. They're explosive," I said quietly.

"Hannah," Dr Burke said stepping back into the OR.

"Yes, Dr. Burke?" Hannah asked.

"What do you feel? Inside of Mr Carlson. What is your hand touching?" Dr Burke asked.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asked confused.

"Is your hand touching anything hard?" Dr Burke asked.

"Hard?" Meredith asked.

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