21- In a sticky situation

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No one's POV:

"Yah! Get back here you small bitch! Let us out!" Haseul pounded on the door, after Yeojin left 5 minutes ago.

Kahei sighed, "It's no use, she won't come back if we don't make up." She stared at the wall in front of her.

Haseul stopped shouting and pounding on the door, she slowly sat down with her back to the door, sighing deeply.

She stared at the older in front of her, she watched as Kahei sighed each second. She missed her.

The two haven't talked to each other in 2 days, Haseul missed her.

Haseul knew it was risky but she went up anyway and sat on the older's lap, who sat on the guest bed.

Kahei flinched as she felt the contact and quickly grabbed on to her ass so the younger wouldn't fall.

Haseul wrapped her arms around her, embracing her. She started crying on her shoulder, quietly.

Kahei sighed and replicated the embrace, she rubbed the younger's back to calm her down.

Haseul slowly calmed down, but still continued to hug the older.

"I- I missed you." She whispered.

Kahei bit the bottom of her lip, she was speechless.

"I- I did too." Kahei quietly replied.

Haseul cupped her cheeks and slowly brought her into a kiss. Kahei didn't pull away and let the younger do what she wanted.

Haseul pushed her to the bed as Kahei's back made contact with the bed sheets. Haseul layed on top of her, pecking towards her jaw.

Kahei roamed her hands around Haseul as the younger was busy pecking her.

The pecks were soft and desperate, Kahei could feel how much the younger had missed her these past 2 days.

Before Haseul could go any further, Kahei stopped her, cupping her cheeks, looking into her eyes deeply.

"Seulie, I- I'm sorry, I should've told you about our past when we met again. I shouldn't have been a coward and ran away from the incident. No, I should've just killed those men before you could do anything. Actually no, I should've planned it out more carefully, then we wouldn't be-.."

Haseul cut her off, putting a finger on her lips.

"You don't need to apologize, I understand, I- I was just feeling disappointed and left out. I shouldn't have yelled at you, you were trying your best to not make it painful and comforted me, instead I took it out on you. I'm sorry, Kahei." Haseul pecked her lips, still having left over tears from before.

Kahei wiped the left over tears and pulled her into a deep kiss.

No one's POV:

"Heart, I hear lips smacking." Yeojin whispered to Yerim.

The two were by the door, listening to the "conversation" Kahei and Haseul were having.

"I know heart, we can do better then them." Yerim smiled at her.

Yeojin smiled back, nodding.

Yeojin gasped as she heard more crying, she knew whose cries they were, it was obviously Haseul's.

She was interrupted with a peck on her lips.

She averted her eyes to Yerim, who just smiled at her, pointing to her own lips, she wanted more.

Yeojin sighed as she got the sign, she quickly pecked her lips, too fast for Yerim to savor. Yerim pouted as she felt like the peck was just air kissing her.

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