1- Hello

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No one POV:

The young girl is sleeping quietly on her bed.

Her wall is filled with the color purple. Her room is bigger than normal sized bedrooms. You can even say that it's as big as two bedrooms combined.

There are several posters of pictures she has drawn that are taped to her wall.

A small table stand by her bed, and a big desk in a corner of the room, filled with papers and books of comics.

Above her desk, hanged pictures of her and her friends and family.

The girl is still sound asleep as her alarm beeps.

She groans and rolls around in her bed, she takes one of her pillows and shoves it on her face.

Suddenly, the door is slammed open.

"Miss wake up!"

"Time for school!"

The blinds are opened and the sun shines on the girl's face.... "Miss wake up! It's time for you to get ready for school." Said the maid.

"Just a minute." Says the girl. She blinks open her eyes trying to adjust to the light. "Argh, what time is it?" The girl asks. "7:15 am Miss."

The girl stands up still half asleep and walks toward the maid who stands there by the door... "Please I have a name" "Just call me Yeojin" says the girl. "As you wish" the maid says. "Thanks Wendy-shi!" Says Yeojin, as she leaps off now wide awake to the bathroom.

No one POV:

"Wake up sis" The younger sister taps her.

No answer from the girl.

"Unnie!" The younger shouts in her ear.

"I'm up! I'm up! Give me a few minutes!" The girl groans, covering her ears.

Half-asleep, she makes her way to the bathroom.

All of her other 5 siblings and her twin are in the big living room waiting for her.

She finally walks down the stairs in her uniform, still drowsy.

"What took you so long!" The older sister yells at her.

"Sorry unnie..." She makes her way to the kitchen, lazily.

"Come on. Grab your bread and come on out the door!" The same sister that yelled at her, shouted from the front door.

"Ok! Coming unnie!" The girl yells from the kitchen, grabbing her bread that was on the counter.

"Remember to go to our separate ways ok?" The second oldest of the siblings looked at her siblings.

"Yes unnie we know!" Said the middle child of the 7 siblings, rolling her eyes.

"See ya unnies! And oppa!, I see Jinni!" The youngest of the siblings start to run ahead of them.

"Sigh, our Sullyoon is all grown up." The second oldest dramatically cries.

"Keep walking unnie, she's a freshmen now duh." The middle child, who is also the youngest of one of the set of twins, scoffs.

"No need for the attitude, Yiren."

Yiren rolls her eyes and bids goodbye to her siblings, she glances at her twin to see if she would follow, but receives a no, and nods back.

"See ya! I don't wanna be late for class." She waves at them and runs ahead.

The oldest of one of the set of twins who is also the third youngest of the siblings groan. "Argh, let's go Jeongin. These unnies are slow."

Plot twist (Loona au)Where stories live. Discover now