16- Sleepover

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No one's POV:

After all the chaos and interrogations, the group watched a kdrama, since it was Friday and Yeojin said they could sleepover at her own small mansion she received from her parents for her birthday.

"Nooooo!! She is stupid! Why would she do that!"

"Shhh! We are trying to watch!"


"Chae?" Hyeju whispered to Chaewon.

She was sitting next to her on the couch, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Yeah? What's up, wolfie?" Chaewon turned her head slightly to look at Hyeju, smiling.

"Why do you keep messing with my feelings?" Hyeju looked up at her.

"What? What do you mean?" The older asked, confused.

"I think I like you Chae..."

When Chaewon heard those words, she froze for a few moments. 'Hyeju, likes me?' She thought. Chaewon did feel somewhat different towards the younger, like she needed to protect her.

When she saw other girls swoon over her at school, she felt the need to shoo them away. She usually would flirt at the girls swooning over her but Hyeju was always hanging around her and she felt the need to flirt with Hyeju instead.

"Chae.. Chaewon.. Wonnie..." Chaewon got out of her trance as she heard the younger calling out to her.

"Oh Chae, you spaced out for a moment there..." The girl said, still smiling at her.

"I- I was just- think- thinking of my feelings." Chaewon answered, she thought for a moment.

"You know why I play and flirt with girls?"

The younger shook her head.

"It had something to do with my ex... I felt too broken to love someone again, so I wanted to get rid of the pain and spread it or somehow make it fade. I guess I thought that playing and flirting would make me better because they would be close to the same situation as me."

"Why didn't you do it to me?" Hyeju asked.

"I- I don't know... I- I didn't want to see you hurt. But- like I said I'm still figuring out my feelings. You can wait right?" Chaewon hoped, waiting for an answer from the younger.

"I will wait until your ready Chae, I will wait forever to be with you, to be yours, to call you mine." Hyeju whispered, snuggling closer to Chaewon.

"You won't have to wait long Hye.." Chaewon whispered, quietly so Hyeju wouldn't be able to hear.

Jiwoo's POV:

"Babeeee... give me kisses... pleaseeee?" Sooyoung couldn't look away from the begging Jiwoo.

"I- but- everyone will see.. we can even fuck when everyone is asleep if you stop begging for kisses when you can receive something better later." Sooyoung smirked at her, pulling her closer towards her.

Jiwoo pouted, thinking for a few minutes, "F- fine, don't blame me when your gonna be the one whose gonna moan my name the whole time." Jiwoo smirked back.

Plot twist (Loona au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz