Part One-The In Between Year's- Shore-leave

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The USS Enterprise did orbit around Star Base 12 for shore-leave twice during the time Lord Andrew Charles Howard was Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth was by his side and the first shore-leave took place in July of 2276, one month after Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard turned one year old .

It had been five years since The USS Enterprise had any shore-leave and Star Fleet Command had granted only the senior officers shore-leave the first time around in 2276.

Captain James T Kirk had to decide who he was going to send down first as they only 6 weeks of shore leave in 2276 and he decides that  Lt. Commander Leonard McCoy,  Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott and Lt Commander Spock decided the first three weeks of Shore-leave as  all three were terribly overworked and exhausted from patrolling  the section that covered Star Base 10 and 12.

In July of 2276,  Dr. Leonard McCoy ,  Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott and Mr Spock were beamed down at beam down point at Beltane Manor where Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lord Richard William Carey and Lady Karissa holding  one year old Lady Elizabeth in her arms met and greeted their esteemed guests.

Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott and Lt. Commander Spock were placed out at Norfolk Estate with Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, and Dr. McCoy was asked to stay  at Beltane Manor with Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa in Bedford Territory.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III is host to Lt Commander Montgomery Scott and  Lt. Commander Spock while Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa host Dr. McCoy at Beltane Manor.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa along with Lord Richard William Carey give a dinner for all three and show them what true hospitality is all about during the course of Dr. McCoy shore-leave he begins to fall in love with Lady Karissa and she tells him " It will not work Bones." 

"I loved Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley. He was a space cadet and he was too focused on his career with Star Fleet." Lady Karissa " I have hope that he will come around. "

"Bones McCoy. Your first wife couldn't deal with it." Lady Karissa tells him " Look at your daughter, Johanna."  

"We can only be friends." Lady Karissa tells him "  I have Lord Andrew Charles and my daughter, Lady Elizabeth to raise for her grandfather who had to wait 33 years to arrival."  

All three have a good time on their shore-leave on Star Base 12 and when it comes time to beam board back on the Enterprise. They are renewed and The Enterprise starts it tour of duty around Star Base 10 and 12 once again.

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