The First Howard who is A Duke and An Actor

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Lord Albert Edward Howard is the fourth child and second son of  Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord Albert Edward is named for his paternal great-grandmother's father, Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill, Duke of Marlborough Territory on Star Base 12 and she was married to his great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR  and her name was Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill. 

Lord Albert Edward arrives on Mabon, September 21, 2285 and he is born out at Beltane Manor in Bedford Territory and upon his birth he is created Duke of Kent Territory that is between Clarence and Lancaster Territories. 

Lord Albert Edward is equally handsome as his eldest brother, Lord Anthony Christoper Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory but he is the most laid back of all of  The Howard family.

Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territory is funny, charming, well-educated, he is a prankster, and he likes to play jokes on everyone.  He is fun-loving, and he is very handsome and there is no doubt he is one of the favorites on Star Base 12.

Lord Albert Edward is romantic at heart, he loves art, music, and dancing and acting as well, but he is not interested n sports and he loves to attend theatre, and concerts and he is a real ladies man and the young aristocrat women love to follow him around.

Lord Albert Edward Howard goes onto to The University of Star Base 12 and he studies Acting, drama, and he pursues a career in acting and he starts to act on stage during winter and summer stock at the theatre in Norfolk and Kent Territories and he is quite the comedian and he is a favorite on the stage.

Lord Albert Edward also knows where his responsibility lies and in 2303 he start to court Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois who attends the same university as he does and she is also pursuing a career in acting and does summer and winter stock at the theatre in Norfolk and Kent Territory.

Lord Albert Edward Howard and Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois marry each other in 2305 and he is twenty years old and she is eighteen years old and they marry out in the garden at Beltane Manor in Bedford Territory.

Lord Albert Edward Howard and Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois marry each other in 2305 and he is twenty years old and she is eighteen years old and they marry out in the garden at Beltane Manor in Bedford Territory

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Lord Albert Edward and Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard, Duke and Duchess of Kent both become well known actors on Star Base 12 and they have two children,  a son, Lord Charles Albert Howard is born in 2310, five years later after they married and a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Alexandra Howard is born in 2315.

Both Lord Albert Edward and Lady Elizabeth Ann become two of the most popular Howard's on Star Base 12 and they don't follow protocol and Lord Albert Edward tells his father ' It is for the birds." 

Both of Lord Albert Edward and Lady Elizabeth Ann  Howard nee Valois children marry  and they are blessed with many grandchildren, by both of them children. 

Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territory is succeeded by his grandson, Lord John Albert Howard born in 2349 as Duke of Kent Territory and he is 20 years old when Lord Albert Edward Howard dies in 2369 at the age of 84 years old and Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Valois passes away in 2371 at the age of 82 years old. 

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