chapter 8

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"Hey Marinette", adrien said as she opened the door. She smiled softly and stepped aside so that he could come inside.

He stepped inside and walked upstairs. "Now let's finish this and then you don't have to worry about me bothering you again", adrien said as he placed his bag down on her bed.

Marinette gasped softly. "What? What do you mean?", Panic rising in her voice. Adrien turned around. "You hate me... don't you?", He asked.

"No no no no I don't who told you that?", She asked in confusion. "No one, it was kind of obvious. Since I was ignoring you and all", he explained.

"Well I'm sorry", she said as she stepped forward a little. "And I don't hate you", she added. "You sure?", He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah", Mary replied. Adrien sighed. "Let's just finish this project", Marinette nodded and they both sat down on the floor.

They began to do their work. While Marinette was writing Adrien's arm slightly touched hers. He quickly moved away.

Marinette looked at him, confused. He quickly looked back onto the book. Marinette continued to write. After a couple of minutes Marinette's eye lids got heavier and heavier by the second.

Her eyes kept shutting them opening up again. Her writing was getting sloppy because she was so tired. Adrien realized this, he placed his hand on hers.

Marinette finally gave in and fell asleep. Her head fell onto Adrien's shoulder. Adrien took the pencil from her hand and set it down.

He closed her book and pushed it aside. He grabbed Marinette's body and placed her down on her bed. He smiled softly seeing Marinette sleeping peacefully.

He leaned closer and kissed Marinette's forehead softly. "Sweet dreams", he whispered softly. He then packed his things and left.

He figured she was really tired and maybe they'll finish it tomorrow.

The next day Mary got ready for school. She ran to alya's house and they both hurried to school. When they arrived some people were squealing.

"Huh?", Marinette said as she looked around in confusion. Alya and Marinette looked at each other in confusion.

"What's going on?", Alya asked Nino as he came up to him. "Didn't you hear we are gonna have a Christmas party!!", Nino shouted in excitement.

"What? Why would we have a Christmas party when Christmas is like...", Marinette paused.

She continued, "19 days away", she said. Nino shrugged. "Hey guys", adrien waved at them. He walked over to them with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey guys have you heard?", Adrien asked with a smug smile. Everyone nodded. "I don't understand why we're having it now tho", alya said in a confused tone.

"Because on Christmas everyone is gonna be with their families.... no one's gonna be in school", adrien explained.

"I know but why so soon tho?", Alya asked. "Dunno", adrien said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Anyways let's go to class before we're late", Mary said. "Yeah, we should", adrien added. They all walked to class with the Christmas party fresh and drilled into their minds.

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