chapter 2

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Marinette gasped. Her eyes scanned the boy from head to toe. The boy walked towards the teacher.

He looks at the whole class. "Hey there my name is adrien. I'm 14 years old and I'm a model. I hope we all can be friends in the future", adrien said while smiling.

The classroom was filled with murmurs about adrien...all good tho. The girls were fangirling over him, and the guys well.....they had a new enemy.

"Adrien sit next to Marinette please", the teacher said as she pointed at Marinette. Marinette gasped softly. Adrien started to walk towards the seat next to Marinette.

He sat next to Marinette and Marinette turned her head around nervously. He looked at her and smiled. "Hey there I'm adrien", he said holding out his hand for her to shake.

"M-marinette n-nice t-to meet you", she stuttered nervously. Adrien laughed at her reaction. Marinette smiled as she saw him laughing.

His laugh was so cute....what? Did I seriously just think that? "So how old are you Marinette?", Adrien asked in a curious tone. "14", Mary blurted.

"Cool", he said. "Ok class take out your math books please", the teacher said. She walked towards the board and opened a marker to write.

Marinette and Adrien both took out their math books. "Turn to page 16 everyone", she said while writing on the board.

They all turned to page 16. Adrien checked his pencil case and realized he didn't have a pen. "Oh shoot", he whispered, realizing he has nothing to write with.

"What's wrong?", Marinette asked. "I left my pens at home", adrien answered as he scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.

"Ok no problem", Marinette said as she searched her bag. "Here you go", she said as she passed him a blue pilot pen. (Bui pilot pens is be the bomb. They make your work look really really neat. I'd beat someone so bad if they ever try to take one of my pilot pens😤😑)

"Oh thank you so much your life saver", adrien said as he took the pen from her hand. "You welcome", Mary smiled.

After classes it was finally lunch time. Marinette and alya was sitting at a table talking as adrien approached them.

"Hii, is this seat taken?" Adrien asked with a friendly smile. "Only by you", Mary joked. Adrien chuckled then he sat down.

"Alya....this is adrien. Adrien this is my best friend alya", she said, introducing them to each other. "Nice to meet you", they both say in sync as they shook hands.

They started talking about different things like....their favourite colors, favourite movies, favourite foods etc.

*Ring, ring* the bell rang signalling that lunch is over. They just had last period left. "What do we have for last period?", Adrien asked Mary as he threw his lunch tray in the garbage bin.

"Oh we have...... science", Marinette replied. "Ok great", adrien said with a smile. They all walked to their last period class and sat down.

Alya and Nino sat together and Adrien and Marinette sat together. "Hey alya", Nino blushed. "Hey there Nino", alya replied while smiling; blushing a little.

"Hey Marinette can I ask you something?", Adrien asked out of the blue. "Sure", Mary replied. "Whats your number?", He asked.

Marinette blushed. "Oh here let me write it down", she grabbed a peice of paper and a pen and wrote down her number. "Here you go", she said as she handed him the peice of paper.

"Thanks", he smiled. Marinette smiled back and they both now focused on the teacher.

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