chapter 1

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Marinette was a normal highschool teenage girl. She and her friend alya was best friends from birth. Alya's mom and Marinette's mom were both friends wayy back.

So Marinette and alya became really close and soon became besties. They both go to the same high school; Dupont high.

So, Marinette and alya were both basically heart breakers. They got into relationships just to break it off. They were straight forward players.

But there was one guy alya had her eyes on and would never play, Nino. She had feelings for him since kindergarden.

And Nino had feelings for her but never told her. (Because he's a wuss😂🤣)

"Come on Marinette you'll be late for school!!", Sabine called. "Coming mom!!", Marinette shouted as she hopped out of bed.

She got into the shower, got dressed, did her hair and makeup, and ate breakfast. After she set out for alya's house. She walked to alya's house and rang the doorbell.

The door flew open and alya's mom looked at Marinette. "Hey there marinette, alya's coming right now", alya's mom said with a smile.

"Thanks miss cesair", Marinette said, mirroring her expression. Alya walked out of the door and bid her mother goodbye. Her and Marinette walked into school together; hand in hand.

They walked towards their classrooms. When they got into their classrooms they both sat in their usual seats.

Chloe wasn't here yet. *Yes!!* Marinette thought. Chloe isn't there to annoy her or bully her. Just as soon as she thought that the blonde girl walked in.

"Ugh", alya rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Chloe stopped when she heard alya. She turned her head towards alya and glared at her.

"Can I help you?", Alya asked smartly. "Yes, you can..... Why in the hell did you say ugh?!", Chloe snapped. "why is it any of your business?", Alya scowled.

Chloe scoffed. She stomped towards her seat and sat down. Alya scoffed, "if you have a problem with me, fix it", alya said.

Chloe turned towards her. "Say that to my face", Chloe argued. "If you have a problem with me, fix it!!", Alya shouted.

Marinette grabbed a hold of alya's shoulders and pulled her back while saying, "calm down girl... she's not worth it", alya calmed down and continued to wait quietly for the teacher.

The teacher walked in shortly. "So guys we have a new student with us today", she said. Marinette's eyebrow raised in curiousity.

"Come in darling", the teacher said as she looked towards the classroom door. The door swung open and in came a boy with blonde hair and green emerald eyes.

Everyone gasped.

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