chapter 19- The Final

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"Hey guys!!", Alya called from downstairs. Her and Nino was sitting on the couch together. "Yes?", Marinette asked, as she came down the stairs with adrien, and Chloe behind her.

"Do you guys wanna go to the movies?", Alya asked. "Yeah", adrien agreed. Mary and Chloe both nodded.

"Ok", Nino said. "When?", Chloe asked. "Tonight", Nino replied.

"Guys hurry up your taking wayyy to long!!", Alya shouted in irritation. "Coming!!", Adrien shouted back. "You said about 2 hours ago!!", Nino wined.

Marinette came out of the bathroom. Adrien was in the mirror checking out himself.

Marinette's outfit

"How do I look?", She asks

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"How do I look?", She asks. Adrien turned to her and smiled. "You look great", he answered. "Thanks", she replied with a smile.

"Guy!!", Nino shouted from downstairs. "Come on", adrien held Marinette's hand they both walked downstairs.

They all got into the car and drove to the movies. When they got there they all got out. "Ok let's go", alya smiled. They all walked into the theater.

"Ok what's our movie?", Chloe asked as they entered the building. "How about a horror?", Nino said while smirking. "No!!", Marinette shouted.

"Why not?", Adrien asked as a smirk formed on his lips. "Uh b-because i-i don't like scary movies", Marinette stuttered.

"It's because Marinette's afraid to watch anything scary", alya teased. Chloe giggled. "Don't worry Mary if you get scared you can hold my hand", Chloe joked.

"Hey!! That's my job!!", Adrien shouted. Nino laughed. "Let's go", alya says as she grabs Nino's arm. They all walk to the counter buy some snacks, and drinks. They then walk into the movie room.

They found some empty seats in the front. They say down and got comfortable. Adrien and Marinette was sitting on the side of each other, Nino and alya were sitting together on their right, and Chloe on their left.

"Guys I'm scared", Marinette wined. "The movie hasn't even started yet", Nino laughed. "Real", alya said while laughing.

Adrien chuckled. "Don't worry you can hold my hand if you want", he said. Marinette smiled. "Ok", she grabbed his head and held it tightly.

Come smiled, seeing the two lock hands. She sighed. The screen flicker on and the movie started. Marinette squeezed Adrien's hand every two second.

Adrien laughed. "Don't worry, it's just a movie", he assured her. Marinette faked a smile and looked back at the screen.

"I'm never ever going back in there again!!", Marinette shouted in anger. "it's just a movie", Nino laughed. They all walk out of the theater.

"So!!", Marinette shouted in an irritated tone. She stormed off to the car. Adrien was about to go after her but alya stopped him. "Don't!! Let's let her cool off", she said.

Adrien nodded. Marinette opened the car and got in. She sat in her seat and pouted cutely. Adrien chuckled. "she'll be just fine", alya laughed. *How did I get so lucky?*, He asked himself.

And all of this happened. Just because of a bet.

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