chapter 14

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Adrien, Nino, alya, and Chloe all rushed over to the hospital. They were so excited.

They got there as soon as possible. When they got there the doc led them to Marinette's room with a smile on his face.

Adrien pushed the door open and was shocked to see Marinette sitting up in the bed. He ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

Tears streamed down alya's face. She couldn't believe it. "M-marinette is that you?", She asked in disbelief. Adrien broke the hug with Marinette and looked into her eyes.

He rubbed her shoulders, he then sighed. "Marinette......I missed much", tears filled his eyes. Marinette looked at him confusion.

"I'm sorry....but...who is Marinette?", Mary asked in a confused tone. Everyone gasped in sync. "What do you mean?", Adrien asked, shocked.

"I mean who is Marinette?", She asked. Adrien's eyes widened in shock. Marinette looked around the room at everyone with a shocked expression. She actually didn't know who in the hell they were.

"M-marinette don't y-you remember?", Adrien asked with a shaky voice. Marinette shaker her head 'no'.

Everyone gasped again. "Doctor!!", Alya called. The doc rushed into the room hearing alya scream. "Yes?", He asked. Everyone looked at the doctor with sad expressions. Adrien looked at the doctor with a serious expression.

"Marinette lost her memory"

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