chapter 7

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Marinette layed down on her bed thinking about adrien. She decided to call alya. She picked up her phone and dialed alya's number.

*Ring, ring* alya's phone rang inside of her pants pocket. "Come on, come on alya pick up", Marinette murmured.

It rang again and alya reached for her phone. She answered it and placed it to her ear. She moaned as Nino grasped her waist tighter.

"Alya? Are you ok?", Marinette asked in concern. "Y-yeah I'm ok", alya replied. Nino kissed her softly.

She broke the kiss and Nino began to kiss her neck. "Alya? Can you come over?", Marinette asked. "No girl....I'm busy", alya said as she was weak from all of Nino's kisses on her neck.

"Please...alya it's about adrien", Marinette said. "Fine, I'll be there in a couple of minutes", Marinette smiled. She then hung up the phone and layed back down on her bed.

She looked through her contacts and saw Adrien's number. She suddenly tapped on it without thinking and it said ringing.

She gasped as she realized what she did. Adrien surprisingly picked up the phone. He answered it. "Hi", he said. Marinette puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey", she answered in a shaky voice. "Can I help you?", Adrien asked, with a little additude.

Marinette heard the additude in his voice and decided not waste his time. "Sorry", she apologized softly. She then hung up the phone and Adrien looked at his phone in confusion.

Marinette started to breath heavily. Her eyes started to water. She then started to sob. She heard her phone ring again.

She looked at it and swiped it across. She thought she declined it but she actually answered it. She continued to cry harder.

Adrien was about to say something but he stopped when he heard Marinette's sobs. He frowned and his eyes softened as he didn't mean to make her cry.

He was felt broken hearing her cry. For some reason adrien felt her pain, that's why he never liked hurting people.

Because....for some reason when people close to him hurt...he hurts as well. And he physically feels their pain.

And to him it was a blessing....and a curse.

"Marinette", he called out. Marinette stopped crying and picked up the phone. She placed it to her ear.

"Sorry", she apologized, sniffing. Adrien frowned. "No I'm sorry, for making you cry", he said sadly. " didn't make me cry. It's my fault", she explained.

"No....I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. You don't want to be my girlfriend. And I should've respected your decision", he replied.

Marinette smiled softly. "Thanks", she said. Marinette heard a knock at her door and looked towards it. "Sorry adrien but I gotta go", she said quickly.

She hung up the phone in a flash and ran towards her door. She opened it to see her best friend smiling at her. Alya's smile faded as she saw Marinette's red and puffy eyes.

"Omg what happened?!", Alya exclaimed in worry. "Please....come in", Marinette said in a small voice.

She let a worried alya in and she explained to her why she was crying. Alya felt really terrible for forcing her to do that bet. She told her she could cancel it and maybe try it with someone else? Maybe?

Marinette didn't want anything to do with boys...all she wanted was to sleep.

While all of this is happening.....a certain someone was watching them.

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