chapter 3

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The teacher placed the black marker down on her desk. She cleared her throat loudly and everyone looked up from their books.

"So everyone, we are having a group project but not really a group project tho. Just two people are gonna work on this project", the teacher said.

Everyone looked at the person beside them. "So the person beside you is gonna be your partner in this project", she explained.

Alya raised her hand high. "Yes?", She asked as she pointed at alya. Alya drops her hand. "Ummm miss what are we basically doing on this project?", Alya asked curiously.

"Don't rush I'm getting to that", she laughed. Alya giggled. "So now....we are gonna do a science project....on sexuality", she said. The whole class gasped.

"So are gonna make a board or a list of sexualities in the world and explain it", she explained. Everyone calmed down and smiled.

They thought it was gonna be hard. "No it isn't gonna be hard all you have to do is...", She paused. She grabbed the black marker off of her desk and wrote on the board.

She wrote lesbian on the board and put this sign next to it(-) "so class what is a lesbian basically?", She asked. Everyone held up their hands.

She was stunned. "Ok Marinette what is a lesbian?", She asked as she pointed at Marinette. "A lesbian is someone that prefers to like a girl instead of a guy", Mary explained.

"Good job Marinette....adrien and you would make a good team", the teacher smiled. She walked towards the board and wrote down what Marinette said next to lesbian.

"Ok so that's all you have to do", she said as she closed the marker up. "And it is due next week", she said. Everyone started to moan and whine.

"Oh come on children this is easy", she smiled.

After school Marinette and alya walked out of class together. "So girl... I see you like adrien", alya said as she wiggled her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Uh what no never", Marinette said while blushing. "Oh yeah, I know you like him girl", alya said.

Marinette blushed redder than a tomato. She looked up at alya and saw the excitement in her eyes. "No no no no no I already know what this have a crazy idea up your sleeve", Marinette laughed.

Alya nodded. "How about we bet on something?", She asked with a smirk. "A bet?", Marinette asked confused.

Alya nodded. "I bet you to have sex with adrien within 2 weeks. And if you don't then I can just tell him you like him", alya threatened with an evil smile.

Marinette gasped. "Are you out of your mind?!", She shouted. Alya smirked. Marinette sighed in defeat as she remembers what alya said in the last sentence.

"Fine....your on"

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