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Word Count- 1054 

"Ugh, what do you want?" I say, my tone getting harsher. I didn't lower my wand.

"To talk sweetheart." He says, taking slow steps towards me.

"Yeah, the last time we did that, i kicked your ass." 

"I wasnt even trying that time."

"Right. So you trying to kill me wasn't trying at all?" 

"Oh shut up. Let me speak." His voice grows stronger.

"What? How do i know if you aren't going to push me off here right now." I say, raising my eyebrows.

"Because i wont. I'm not here to hurt you."

"Thats hard to believe."

"Will you shut up? God, you are so hard to handle."

"Isn't that what you want? I thought you wanted me to be tough, hard to get. Whats wrong?"

"Yeah. I do. Lower your wand and ill explain what im doing here. And why i have actually came here." 

I look him up and down before lowering my wand.

"Checking me out?" He smirks.

"You wish, Mcflier. Now hurry up or i will kill you."

"You dont have the guts to. Anyway."

He rushed on so i couldnt say anything.

"That boy. You keep hanging out with. Who is he to you?"

"Why does that matter to you?"


He walks closer to me. I dont dare to take a step back. Or i will be right on the edge.

"You are mine. No one can have you."

"Says who? You? What makes you think i will listen to you?"

"This." He grabs me, spins me and throws me near the staircase.

I lost my balance and fell onto the ground. The pillar hit my right arm hard. 

I lay on the floor, groaning from pain. I try to turn on my stomach with both my hands supporting me to get up, but my right arm gave up on me.

"Silenco." I heard him whisper. I couldnt see where he was pointing.

"CRUCIO!" That was definitely pointed at me.

"AHH!!" I scream in pain. I roll around, trying to shake it off, but it hurts me more, the more i move. It felt like hot, hot knives dug into my skin. 

After what felt like hours of torture, he finally takes the curse off me.

He kneels right by my head, moving my hair off his face.

"Now do what i say, or i will kill you." He whispers into my ear.

"You're still the same." I manage to say.

"Compliment or insult?" He questions.

"More of an insult." 

He trails his wand on my face, to my jawline, to my neck. He pulls my hair away, to the near back of my neck.

He smiles.

"What are you smiling at?" I question, looking down at him.

"The scar i gave you with my teeth is still here."

"Well obviously. It's been 5 months since you gave me it."

He stands up, leaving me lying on the floor.

"Now you know better, to obey me and do what you are told."

I sit up, my head was hurting a lot. I turn around and lean my back against the big pillar that hit me.

"And also."

I look up at him.

"Meet me up here after the Yule ball. If you're late, you know what happens." He smirks before disappearing.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself.

I cant let him take control. He is just making me weaker. Do i meet him after the yule ball? What do i do? I have to tell someone soon. Bottling all up will also make me weak. Fuck, he knows all my weak spots. What do i tell Pansy? What do i tell Mattheo. What does Coby even want? He left me, broken. He toyed me. He plays with me, then abandons me. Then comes to play again. But im not gonna play. Or should i? Should i play with him instead? Lead him into a trap. Make him think he is toying with me, when really its the opposite way. This is my time to get revenge. But i will need to tell Pansy. So she can help me. Shes been in relationships in the past. She knows guys weak spots. Ill tell her tomorrow. Do i tell mattheo? He could help too. He could be friends with Coby, tell me everything that happens and other things. Ill tell him at the yule ball. Or something. Get ready, Coby. You may think you can play me. Think that you can just control me like a barbie doll. 2 can play that game.

I lean my head back on the pillar. It was night now outside. So i decided to go back to the slytherin common room. 

I make my way, pushing past 1st year students who were scurrying to their common rooms.

I reached the common room.

"Pureblood." What a basic password. Anyone could get it. The doors opened and i walked in. Mattheo and some boys from class were talking to each other. Mattheo saw me and smirked.

I smile at him and make my way to my dorm. I decided to have a hot shower. I got my pjs, 2 matching underwear and bra and took it with my to the bathroom.

I started the water, letting it warm up. I stripped my clothes off and hopped in the shower. Warm droplets of water fell on my skin and hair. 

After the shower, i put my clothes on. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and tidied up the makeup which Pansy uses. 

I walked into the room, walked over to the bookshelf we had and picked out a random book. 

I sat in my bed, the blankets wrapped around me. 

After half an hour of reading, Pansy came in.

"Oh, you are already here. Normally its me who is here first."

"Yeah well, i got bored being at the astronomy tower by myself."

"Okay, im gonna shower." She grabs her clothes and leaves the room.

Should i tell her now, or tomorrow? Eh, im tired right now, ill tell her tomorrow.

I put my book on my bedside table and turn off the lights.

A/N Note- HELLO guys. I dont think this chapter had a lot of detail. I had rushed this chapter since i do a chapter each day and i try to make each chapter at least 1000 words long. And it takes 40-1 hour to aim for that unless you type like really fast. Anyway, i hope you have had a good day. Have a good sleep. See ya guys, love you all xxx 

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