88 - Kai could be a unisex name!

Start from the beginning

Eva/Rebekah collapsed to the ground, knocking her head on the corner of the chair, causing her to fall unconscious.

"Bekah?" Cassidy exclaimed with worry. With a little help from Davina, the heretic was able to get out of bed and hurry over to Eva/Rebekah, unable to bend down to check if she was alright due to her baby bump getting in the way. Davina did it for her, checking Eva/Rebekah's pulse as Cassidy just stood back and listened for a heartbeat. She sighed in relief when she could hear a heartbeat and Davina could feel a steady pulse beneath her fingers.

"She's okay. She will wake up soon." Davina reassured, but she got no response. "Beautiful?" Davina rose to her feet again and span around, only to see Cassidy doubled over in pain, her arms wrapped around her stomach. Rushing to Cassidy's side, Davina's eyes were frantic with worry. "What's wrong? What happened? Is it the baby? Is it okay? What do I do?"

"I-I think..." Cassidy tried to control her ragged breathing. "I think my water just broke."

And sure enough, as Davina looked down, she spotted a pool of water gathering around Cassidy's feet and running down her legs. Davina tried not to panic for Cassidy's sake.

"U-um... this baby could be supernatural. Better not take you to an actual hospital." As Davina paced for a second, she suddenly stopped. "I know a witch. She was my mom's old friend but I haven't talked to her since the Harvest. She was always kind to me."

"What does that have anything to do with my baby being ready to be born?" Cassidy snapped, groaning in pain. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell."

"I don't blame you." Davina murmured. "This friend of my mom's, she is a witch and she used to be a nurse before she retired. The greatest nurse there was. Come on, she could deliver your baby."

"Is she far?" Cassidy panted. "Because I don't think I'll make it there in time."

"No, she lives in the quarter. I'll go grab a taxi." Davina told. "Klaus? Kol? Literally anyone?!"

"You called?" Kol appeared in the doorway with his usual smirk, but it dropped into a very worried frown once he saw the pain that Cassidy was in. He rushed to her side, and Cassidy grabbed his hand, squeezing it as if it would somehow stop the pain. "What is happening?! What's wrong? Baby, you're scaring me."

"She's in labor. I know a witch who can deliver her baby, but you're the one with the super speed. You can get there faster. I'll call Elijah and get him to meet you guys there as the father." Davina then quickly told Kol the address and the original vampire scooped his mate into his arms gently, and they were off.


Two hours. Two hours of pain, until it all stopped. Almost. Her lower stomach still ached, but it was bearable. Davina's mom's friend, Kathleen, was an elderly witch who stopped using magic once she saw what Davina was put through with the harvest. She was so kind and understand, and she delivered Cassidy's baby without any difficulties whatsoever. Elijah arrived in a hurry. He was off in a run the second that Davina told him he was about to be a father. Elijah and Kol stayed by Cassidy's side the entire time during the pregnancy. Davina exclaimed how much she wanted to be there, but she had to stay with Rebekah.

Hayley was off with her werewolves to practice with their new abilities after the ceremony, Marcel was handling witch business elsewhere, and Klaus and Freya were off preparing a family brunch. But having Elijah and Kol there made her feel like they were all there.

As Kathleen passed a beautiful baby girl into Cassidy's arms, the door to the room burst open and Caroline and Kai came bursting in, shoving each other out of the way.

"I was here first--"

"No, I want to see the baby--"

"I want to hold it--"

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