Chapter 4.5

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Suga POV

What the hell is she thinking? I push myself up immediately and lean against the wall while holding my aching crotch.

"Don't call the police! If this thing leaks out to the public, we're as good as dead." Hyung says as he paced around in circles and afterwards walking up to me.

"Yoongi-ah, let it go ok? I think she's crazy...Let's just forget about this, ne?" He tries to convince me in a soft tone.

"This bitch." I push him aside causing him to stumble.

"Ya odiga?!" He shouts after me. I'm not just gonna let this go. I just had a shitty day and now there's this weirdo who come and kick me in my nuts? Oh ho no way man.

I walk around the neighbourhood to look for her. I looked at the address. It's gotta be here somewhere. Suddenly I spotted an empty pojang-macha (outdoor tents where people can drink and eat). There was a girl at the corner sitting alone. It's her.

I walk to her with my hands in my pocket. When I reached her table, it was occupied with bottles of Soju, some full and many empty ones.

"Ya, wake up." She was laying her head on the table. I pushed her shoulders roughly.

"Wh-at...Do.yo-uu w-antt" She murmurs. She lifts her head slowly to look at me. At the sight of my face, she points her fingers at me and lets out a small laugh. 

"It's the rude rice cake!" She smiles widely while laughing to herself.

 "Rude rice cake? You're the one that hit me."

Suddenly, her smile fades away.

"Please give it back..." She softened. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. Her hands were shivering slightly. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. Did I make a girl cry again?

"Who are you to cry here? I'm the victim excuse me. And my privacy is more important than your papers" I say trying to act all tough but she didn't retaliate. Instead, she sighed.

"My dad gave me that music sheet before he died." 

"I was 12 back then. My mom left me, couldn't stand the sight of my face I guess. I stayed with my uncle for awhile but I can't help staying in someone else's home so I stayed in a crappy rooftop apartment." Her voice shook.

"Do you know how hard it was? For almost 11 years I live in loneliness...I had absolutely no one. I cried in silence and only hid my pain. And what about you people huh? One music sheet may mean nothing to you but it means my life to me...So can you please sto-" her head dropped flat on the table.

I stood there speechless. My hands were out of my pocket. Yoongi, what have you put yourself into? I looked at her as she slept so peacefully.

This sadness...

Why do I feel like I'm looking at myself when I'm looking at her?


YoOOOOOoOOO I know cliche drunk soju scene with cute boy and depressed girl what to do i'm lame and boring OK BYe

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