Chapter 2

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SuYoung POV

How can a human order so much beef bulgogi? I envy them. I don't even have the money to buy a proper meal.

"Su Young, among all of them which one would you date?" My manager, Jiwoo unnie, points out to the group of boys in the dining area. She was a 25 year old lady with a pixie hair cut and almost perfect boobs. Guys dig for that.

"Stop spewing nonsense. You know I'm in no position to date any guy."

"Oh come on I'm just playing around. I think that last guy is pretty cute. Look!" I turn from the kitchen to face them. He was wearing a beanie and had two sets of piercings on both ears. He had puppy eyes and pale white skin. I stared at his figure, almost too long that my manager nudged me with her elbow.

"You so dig for guys like him." She teases cheekily with creepy face.

"Don't be silly." I turn around and continue to wipe the dishes. I just realized how long it's been since I've fallen in love. I don't even remember anymore. All I know is the more attach I get to someone, the more I'll feel hurt when that person is gone. Nobody likes that.

I look up to the clock and realize my shift is over. I take out my apron and hang over rack before tying my hair into a neat pony tail. I yank out my bag from the employee's locker as I hang headphones around my neck.

"Gotta run. Need to pick up my violin"

"Wait wait whose gonna help me with all those beef bulgogi?" She groans while stomping her feet like a whiny child.

"Have fun with that." I chuckle. The kitchen door swings open and I make my way out into the dining room. As I walk, I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me. Geez. I put my headphones on as I play my favourite unaccompanied cello music on high volume, falling into my world.

The bus ride to my uncle's music shop takes me only 15 minutes. My uncle is the only family I have left. He owns a music shop down the street where I live and sells acoustic musical instruments. The bell hung on the door rang as I open the door and my uncle immediately turns around. He was pretty old but decent enough to make any ahjumma fall in love with him.

"Ah look who we have here. Come give your old uncle a hug." He walks up to, enveloping me into a hug.

"I miss you, uncle. Sorry I couldn't help out with the store. I've been so busy with auditioning and stuff." He lets go of me and examined my face.

"Oh my, you look so bothered. Is everything alright?"

"I uh...Yea," I lied. Honestly, I was tired. Tired of having to pay my rental debts, tired of getting rejected every single time I auditioned, tired of eating the same ramyun. But that's inevitable I guess. Life is fair because it's unfair to everyone.

"Come on have a seat first I'll bring out some tea for you."

"No it's fine I'm in a hurry anyways. I'm actually here for my violin. Is it fixed?"

"Oh that. I changed all the strings and tuned it nicely just for you. I'll take it out."

"Thank you." He made his way into the back room. I looked around the shop. It smelled of wood and strings. I remember how when I was younger, dad brought me here to pick out my violin.

"Pick wisely Su Young. It's not about the price which makes it a better instrument than the rest."

"Then how will I know which one to pick?"

"You'll know when you see it."

And it was true. A light brown violin was hung nicely on the wall and I could almost imagine myself playing it when I first saw it. That became my best friend for almost 9 years now. Uncle emerged from the back room with my violin. He places it carefully in a casing and passes it to me.

"I hope everything is fine my dear. You're my precious brother's daughter. You're happiness is mine."

"Yea, i'll be fine. I hope." 

I knew my life was a series of complete mess. No ups, just downs. But I have to keep fighting. I have to be strong for appa and omma.

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