Chapter 21: Falling into his Games

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What was the highlight of your day?

Mine was holding the ladder for my boss so he wouldn't fall off and break his back :)


We made it to the small diner. Jax made me leave my phone in the car before getting out, but the way he "asked" reduced my options from two to one. I agreed without a word, not willing to take the risk of suffering the consequences. We left his car and he opened the door for me and I whispered a small 'thank you' before entering the building with neon letters glowing bright red above.

It was a typical diner, with parents and kids, out on a family dinner to spend some quality time with each other. There were also a few couples on a date here and there, nothing special. The waiter greeted us with a polite smile and showed us to our table.

I sat across from Jax, suddenly feeling more anxious than earlier despite being in a public place. Maybe it was because of the fact that we were out in the public eye that I was so nervous. I didn't know how he'd behave, what he'd do, or what could happen.

Would he put on his mask and act like the perfectly normal and overly flirtatious model?

Or would he act like his true self and perhaps start gunning everyone like some crazy psychopath before making me strip while he bathed in their warm blood because let's not joke around here, Jax was highly capable of doing something just as psychotic.

It made me nervous about how I couldn't predict his moves or read his mind, it would have made things way easier for me.

My eyes flickered towards a nearby couple that was flirting over who got the last french fry, trying to busy my mind with any minor thing that happened. The awkward silence didn't seem to bother Jax at all while it was starting to eat me alive, but I couldn't seem to lock eyes with him. So I stared at the table instead, pressing my lips together and hoping that he'd say something instead of burning holes into me with those icy blue eyes of his.

I didn't know if whatever Jax and I were doing could be considered a date.

If it were, then it'd be my first.

The only experience I had in a relationship was sex, and I don't think any of my past fuck buddies could even be considered as being in a relationship, since all we did was, well, fuck. I snuck a glance towards Jax who calmly flipped through the menu, calm as a pickle. I bit my tongue, flustered by how sexy he looked when reading a burger menu.

Come on, Ji Hoon, you're 20 years-old and getting all giddy over having dinner with your roommate.

My mind paused and rephrased.

Your psychopathic roommate.

Despite mentally scolding myself for getting butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't help but feel excited. Jax was like an addiction, no matter how bad he was, you just couldn't let go of him. The intoxication pleasure of holding something so unpredictable and dangerous felt good, just like the way nicotine poisoned our lungs and how drugs damage our brains. Obtaining that short, pleasurable moment of something that helped us forget and cope with our real problems, made us cherish them even more. Jax was my drug, and even if he made me miserable, I knew that I'd be even more miserable without him.

My L̶o̶v̶e̶l̶y̶ Roommate (Mxm)Where stories live. Discover now