Chapter 4: Bus Boy

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A/N: 10.06.2021

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I left the apartment and took the bus to head to university. But as soon as I stepped inside vehicule, the moist and stuffy atmosphere made me scowl.

I then noticed the crowd of people inside, most of them students or young businessmen/women dressed in black and white suits. I apologised while squeezing through to get to the very back.

But with so many people around me, didn't get very far. I looked around, but all the handholds were taken so I decided to place my palm against the wall of the bus for more balance.

While I stood there, squished between two people beside me like a sandwhich, I stared out the window and couldn't help but think about what happened last night as well as this morning with Jax.

Despite all the terrible things he put me through, all the horrid things he said to me, my mind was mainly focused on the happy feeling that overwhelmed me when I saw the plate of food and the ointments on the kitchen; everything else became nothing but minor details.

He cared.

I shook my head, mentally scolding myself for smiling and quickly fixed my lips. Either I was a complete idiot or he was just a manipulative fool.

The bus made a turn to the left and everyone shifted. The man standing behind me was now pushed against my back.

"Sorry," he apologised in a gruff voice, his lips a bit too close to my ear than to my liking. I turned towards the old man and forced a wry smile.

"It's okay," I said, my chest practically glued to the wall of the bus. But even after the turn, the man's chest was still touching my back. I thought that maybe there were just too many people on the bus and decided to ignore it, but my body stiffened as his waist suddenly started to rub up and down over my ass.

Was this man actually grinding against me?!

I snapped my head towards him, his face literally inches away from mine. I could feel his breath against the nape of my neck, quick and short, almost panting while he continued to rub himself against me.

"What the hell?!" I hissed, trying to move away from him. But there were too many people, making it impossible for me to escape.

The bus curved again, allowing the man to push harder against me.

I felt his hands start to feel me up, wrapping around my waist and closer towards my belt while he continued to grind against me like a dog in heat. Everyone else had their earphones on and were too busy staring at their phones to notice.

"Hey, get off me," I snarled, still trying to squirm away.

I was about to slam my foot against his since it seemed like it was the only self-defense I could do in this position, but he suddenly whispered something into my ear

"You like this, don't you?" He cackled. "You're so disgusting."

"You're pretty disgusting, you know that, right?" Jax's words echoed inside my mind and I froze. I felt the old man grind harder, he was basically fucking me at this point, only with clothes on, but my mind went completely blank and my body numb to the core. I knew what was going on but it was as if I couldn't feel it anymore, the will to fight back suddenly vanishing like a candlelight under a gust of wind.

"Disgusting, disgusting disgusting, disgusting..." Jax's voice and choice of words continued to mockingly chant inside my mind. My teeth sunk harder into bottom lip, my fingers still curled into fists. I hated this so much, but my body remained unflinching.

They were right. I was disgusting. But it wasn't my fault, right? I couldn't help the way I was, right? Right?

I swallowed hard.

The man's finger were inches away from my crotch but kept my mouth shut, feeling guilty for hating the attention that I was given. But someone suddenly yanked his hand away from me, stepping in between the man and I to shielding my body with his.

"Wow, I didn't know that we filmed porno here," he smirked, turning towards the old man who looked just as confused and shocked as I was. "What's your username? I absolutely love jerking off to old geezers grinding against younger men without consent, it's totally turns me on."

My eyes widened as he spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear, the irony and hint of amusement catching their attention. The old man flinched, gritting his teeth before quickly pushing past the crowd to get off the bus. I blinked a few times, feeling my muscles relax and the fog clouding my mind finally starting to clear up; the taunting voices disappearing as well. I then realised that the guy who saved me was staring at me.

He was tall, maybe a head taller than me but a few inches shorter than Jax. His hair was shorter on the sides and longer in the middle, the strands of mahogany reflecting the morning sunlight as did his eyes, a warm brown with strands of green and gold in the centre. What held my attention the most was his long, thick lashes that almost looked fake, yet so natural. I quickly studied his high cheekbones and his cleanly shaven jawline.

"Are you okay?" he asked, breaking the silence with a voice threaded with curiosity. He gave me a worried smile, so warm and kind that I had to blink twice just to make sure that it was real.


A/N: Mysterious new character has entered the scene. How are we feeling about bus boy? 🤔😚

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