Chapter 10: It's Complicated

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A/N: July 31, 2022

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"Will you stop spacing out all the time?" sighed Lola as she parked her car. I turned towards her, blinking blankly. I realized that I hadn’t been listening to what she was saying during the entire ride. 

"Right, sorry," I apologized distantly, slightly in a daze.

"I swear Ji Hoon, I'm going to slap that face of yours one day," she groaned. "And it definitely won't be because I'm jealous of your baby butt skin, alright?"

Lola was always telling me how Asians had nicer skin and asked me what kind of skin care I used. Whenever I answered "water and body lotion", she'd get triggered. Jax on the other hand, he had an entire skin care routine. Maybe I could ask him what products he used. 

I mentally shook my head. Wait, why am I thinking about him again? He left with Madison three days ago and still hasn’t sent me a text. I’m sure I’m the last person on his mind right now. 

My lips pressed together as I glanced towards my screen out of habit, holding on to the pinch of hope that he had sent me something. 

"H-Hey!" I hissed as Lola snatched my phone away, slipping it into her purse and out of my reach. 

"We're here to have fun," she reminded. “That means no crazy psychopathic roommates. Now come on, it’s a Friday night! Let’s get wasted.”

With no other choice, I followed her out of the car and into the bar. It was a fairly large bar, filled with loud conversations and a dominating young crowd, students from university for the most part. I recognized a few faces here and there, most of them were Lola’s friends whom she invited. But as we went further in, my eyes stopped at Bus Boy who was playing pool with a group of girls, holding his partner’s beer while she played. 

I instinctively spun around to hide my face. Why did I keep stumbling into him?!

"Lola," I hissed in a low voice. "What is he doing here?!"

She cocked a brow. "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that.”

"I'll tell you who, but you have to be discreet about it, okay? Don't look directly at him.”

She nodded eagerly.

“He’s the guy at the pool table, wearing a black shirt with pulled up sleeves,” I whispered. But of course, Lola didn’t follow my orders and spun around, looking directly at Bus Boy as if she had pinpointed her prey. 

However, what she did next was completely unexpected. “Oh, you mean Toby?” she asked loudly, my jaw dropping to the floor. 

“Lola!” I whisper-cried. “I said to be discreet!” 

“Oh, did you?” she asked bluntly, innocently batting her eyes, knowing damn well what she was doing. Before I could grab her somewhere where “Toby” couldn’t see us, he had already heard his name be called and was on his way here.  

“Hey Lola,” he greeted with a smile, the tone of his voice familiar. 

“Hiya there Toby,” she beamed brightly. Lola then pushed me forward, almost making me trip. 

"This is my friend Ji Hoon, he was checking you out just now and wanted to meet you," smiled Lola. She then put her hand over her mouth, leaning closer towards her friend. “He looks pretty innocent with that baby butt skin off his, but don’t be fooled. He’s actually really feisty with a ‘tude deep down.”

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