Chapter 18: My New "Friend"

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A/N: Nov 27. 2022

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"Okay, fine," I mumbled, pretending that not having to go through this alone was an annoyance when I felt relieved. "You... You can help."

Toby's smile widened, and he gave out his hand. I looked at it with furrowed brows.

Did he want us to shake hands or...?

Confused, I stretched out my hand and shook it, but he laughed as soon as I did.

"No, silly, I want your phone," he chuckled. "But we can keep shaking hands if you want."

I felt my cheeks flush red and quickly pulled away with a nervous chuckle. "R-Right, you should've just said so," I mumbled, quickly pulling away in embarrassment. I could still feel the warmth of his hand lingering on my palm.

Toby started typing something into my phone, and we heard a buzz. He took out his phone from his pocket and nodded with a grunt.

"I saved my phone number and sent myself a message," he explained, handing my phone back to me. I looked at the contact name.

Tobias Fernand.

My eyes flickered back toward Toby in curiosity.


"Oh, and I almost forgot!" He said, snapping his fingers. He raised his phone and snapped a pic of me before I was even ready.

I blinked in confusion, closing my mouth that hung up slightly, which only made me feel even more embarrassed.

"W-Wait, did you just take a pic of me?!" I stuttered.

"Yeah, you look really cute on it too," he beamed, showing me the pic. I glared at the pic with an open mouth. In the pic he took, my face looked surprised, brows slightly furrowed in confusion. My eyes were in the middle of closing; they were not open or closed.

"Your definition and my definition of cute don't seem to correlate!" I deadpanned, trying to grab his phone to delete it. But Toby laughed, quickly pulling away.

"I need it for your contact pic," he said, already saving it into his phone.

"Wait, so that pic will appear whenever I call you?!" I cried. Toby looks at me, looking slightly taken aback.

"You're going to call me?" He gasped. I flinched.

"N-No, of course not! Who would call you?!" I sneered, but I could feel myself blush. Toby continued to laugh, one so carefree and musical that I couldn't stay annoyed. Toby then raised his phone and smiled widely, taking a selfie of himself.

"I'll send this to you through message," he winked. "So you can save it into your phone."

I scowled. "No thanks, I don't really save pictures for my contacts."

"You don't?" He asked. "I have a hard time associating people's names and faces and can hardly remember people I just met." Toby paused, looking at me with a small smile. How he looked at me changed slightly. Something in his eyes glistened. "But for some reason, I didn't have a problem remembering you."

My eyes widened. Didn't he forget the first time we met on the bus? Or perhaps he pretended to not remember so I wouldn't have to feel so uncomfortable.

I studied Toby's cheerful face. And who smiles so widely this early in the morning?

"I think it's actually the first time that's happened," he admitted. "I guess we were destined to be friends."


I sighed, raking a hand through my hair while trying not to find his words adorable. "Come on, let's just get to class. We're already late."

Toby nodded.

"I'll text you tonight," I grumbled. "I don't think I can explain everything in detail about what happened between Mr. Gabs and me in full detail in front of your face without turning red in embarrassment."

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to," he reassured. "But text me. We can find a solution together if you want."

I still had a hard time believing that someone could be so generous and kind, and I was still confused by how he wasn't disgusted after hearing that I had a one-night stand with our substitute teacher. But I nodded nonetheless, turning towards him with a smile. It was a small one, but genuine.

"Thank you, Tobias," I said. He looked surprised when I called him by his full name but smiled with an understanding nod.

Maybe he wasn't aware of it, but this was the third time he saved me and the first time I managed to thank him.

"You have this look in your eyes. A look almost begging for someone to reach out and help you, that's why."

I turned my face to the side, hiding the blush that worked up my cheeks.

Lola was right. I was definitely going to like him, but I was curious if it was going to be just as friends.

Oh Ji Hoon, when will you ever learn?

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