"It's my brother moron." "No it's not! i see your mom all the time, she was never pregnant!" "She adopted him, Morons i swear!" Hayes was pissed. The bus eventually started moving and we drove to the school since we were the last stop.

Nolan had his face glued to the window, he's never been on a bus before. When we reached the school, the bus driver made everyone wait for Hayes and I to get off. We waited for Melanie and Haley, then walked to the patio and sat at a table.

"Excuse me? Where are your parents?" Mrs. Eiben asked, ugh she's so rude! I'm so lucky i don't have her. "Work, the principal said we could bring them to school with us." Hayes said trying at act smart. "Little kids aren't aloud in the classrooms, so I'm going to have to take them with me."

"You touch them and we call the cops." Hayes said smacking her hand away from the car seat. In returned she slapped him, so of course i called the cops while Haley and Melanie videotaped it for proof. Let's just say she got fired.

*Baby starts crying* Hayes took him out of the car seat, and calmed him down. "Hand me the bottle." Hayes said looking at me, so i grabbed the bottle and gave it to him. He sat down and started feeding Decklan, which was freaking adorable, he is such a good big brother.

I just stood there and watched him feed Decklan, and Nolan dancing like a weirdo with Haley, until someone covered my eyes and whispered. "Surprise." I turned around to see Shawn standing there with a huge smile on his face. I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you so much." I said squeezing him as i tight as i could. "I missed you too baby girl." He said then kissed my cheek. "NO PDA!" Some teacher said walking over to us. "What's wrong with that? It's freaking goals!" A girl yelled. everyone was looking at us. "Holy crap that's Shawn Mendes!"

"Haha to them you and Hayes and Just the twins that go here, but they see me as as all of the fans do." I laughed, then unwrapped my legs and he put me down. "Shawnie!" Nolan yelled running up to us and jumping, so Shawn can catch him and play with him, like he always does.

"Hey Nol, how have you been?" "Good, i have a new little brother!" Shawn looked at me confused. and I pointed to Hayes. He looked at him, then he realized what happened. "Can you sing me a song?" Nolan asked giving Shawn puppy dog eyes. He chuckled then thought for a minute and started singing.

A lot of the girls were surrounding him, I even saw a girl touch his butt, he made an uncomfortable face, then continued singing, cause Nolan was slowly falling asleep. The bell rang and he carefully shifted Nolan so that he was cradling him in his arms.

"Guess what." Shawn whispered while i grabbed my stuff. "What?" "You're suppose to guess." "Ugh, fine, are you going to spend the whole entire day with me?" I said with hope. He smiled and nodded. "Yes!" He just laughed and we walked to first period.

"Mr. and Miss. Grier why do you have a baby and toddler with you? and a smoking hot boy." "Excuse me?" Shawn asked kinda creeped out cause the teacher is like 46. "Did i say that out loud." Everyone nodded. "Sorry Ma'am but he's too young for you, plus he's taken." Hayes said smirking at Shawn and I.

The Life of Hayes Grier's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now