Go fuck yourself.

Start from the beginning

"W-What if they don't like me Headmaster?"

He rubbed his eyes, trying so hard not to chuckle at his pathetic acting. He'd been trying to act more and more like his old self so that Dumbledore really thought his potion was working.

"Oh my boy, I'm sure they'll be delighted to have you."

He gestured for Riddle to follow him and he did. They quickly made it to the other side of the castle with Dumbledore prattling on the whole way. Xavier was giving his sharp retorts in his head when he noticed all of his things sitting outside the dormitory. He noticed that Jafar was absent from his pile of luggage.

"Excuse me professor, but where's Jafar?"

Dumbledore grimaced.

"Ahh yes, that hideous thing. I released him into the wild, after all, you won't be needing him anymore will you?"

Xavier's fingers clenched tightly into a fist behind his back. How dare this fucking bastard banish his snake because he was afraid of him! He was about to yell when Dumbledore gestured towards a small carrier.

"Oh you stupid old man. Go fuck yourself."

"We got you a replacement pet of course. Meet Lily, your new cat."

Xavier grimaced at the name. How barbaric that they would buy an animal and name it after his dead adoptive mother.

"Oh she's beautiful."

In all reality, he had never really liked cats, they were noisy and lazy.

"Well, go inside and meet your roommates. I hope you enjoy your new living quarters my boy."

Xavier nodded and watched Dumbledore walk away slowly. He turned toward the portrait of the fat lady and glared at her until she opened. He grumbled and walked through, appearing in a room covered in Red and Gold. The room was so bright that he felt the urge to put on sunglasses. He heard a few gasps and almost lashed out when he felt a hand clasp his shoulder. He turned to the side and saw Fred and George. Milly was behind them and waved at him.

"Hey snake boy!"

Xavier raised his eyebrow. Wasn't she a Ravenclaw?

"What are you doing here Milly? Aren't you a Ravenclaw?"

She shook her head.

"Uh no actually, the Professor had me re-sorted..."

She was obviously upset by this, but smiled softly when Ginny came up behind her.

"Uhh, hi, my name's Ginny, we met on the train?"

Xavier nodded at her and turned his head back to the hand on his shoulder.

"Can you take your hand of me now please?"

Fred nodded and put his hand back by his side.

"Sorry! Forgot about that."

He waved and walked back over to his and George's friends who were gossiping in the corner.

"Well, you are bunking with us Xavier, so follow us."

Xavier looked at the three boys who had just approached him. Seamus Finnegan, Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas. All of them looked less than happy that Xavier was there. Milly looked over Xavier's shoulder and frowned.

"Where is Jafar? I was hoping to see him again."

Xavier looked at the floor and sighed.

"He's not dead is he?! Not the beautiful boy!"

Xavier looked at Milly and grasped her shoulders.

"Calm down, he's fine. Dumbledore set Jafar free and replaced him with a cat called Lily."

Milly sighed.

"Well, at least he's not dead."

Xavier looked at her, she'd completely missed the point but whatever. He followed the three boys to his new dormitory and levitated his things to his bed. He sat on it and pulled out a book and began to read, ignoring the stares from the three boys.

"Uhh, so we have some questions for you and some rules."

Xavier raised his eyebrow.


Seamus cleared his throat and his face turned a little pink.

"Well rules first. Since we don't have any privacy in here, if the curtains on the bed are closed then that means do not disturb."

Xavier got what he was referring to but still made a face.

"Rule Number 2: We'd prefer it if you didn't bring girls in here, but since half the girls at school are going for your attention then at least cast a silencing charm. Please. For all our sanities."

Xavier scoffed and rolled his eyes. But gestured for Seamus to continue.

"Now questions."

He looked at the other two boys and they all suddenly began blurting out questions. Xavier covered his ears and groaned. This was going to be a long day. He eventually elected to pull the curtains around his bed and continued to read his book on the Dark Arts.

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