"What, do you mean taken?" Clark questions as I listen in from on top of the barn.

"I mean, ripped from the Earth and sucked into the sky. His abductor did leave a calling card in the field. From Lana's description, it sounded a lot like Zod's symbol." Chloe tells him and my eyes widen.

"Lionel's drawings warned of Zod coming. Maybe it's actually happening."

"What is happening? I don't get it. I thought that Zod was trapped in that Phantom-prism other-dimension thing."

"That's what I'm worried about. Fine knows I would not release Zod willingly. He's obviously changed strategies."

"So then Lex is part of plan B?"

"Which means Lana's in the middle." Miles inquires.

"I've been so angry with Jor-El, I didn't listen to his warnings." Clark says.

"It seems every time you turn to Jor-El, something bad happens."

"What if he's just trying to protect me? What if he's trying to protect all of us?"

"I'll leave the job of protecting all of us to our little hooded friend." Chloe tells him. "And I don't know, maybe we know someone who's always figuring things out? Who's always saving everyone and everything?"

"She said she never wanted to speak to me again, Chloe. And I don't blame her. I kept it from her, when I should've told her about Scott sooner." Clark tells her.

"That was your choice. It was the wrong one, but this is Brianna we're talking about, Clark. There's nothing she wouldn't do to help us. To help you."  Miles says.


I crouch down as I hear Clark slip in the disc. A bright light shoots up and I close my eyes through my mask. I then open them and look around, now in the Fortress of Solitude.

"Hello. my son." Jor-El says as I hide a few feet away from Clark.

"I had no other choice but to come here." Clark tells

"I know you are stíll angered by the loss of Jonathan Kent."

"He was my father."

"I am your father. Pain is part of life, Kal-El. But you cannot let it blind you."

"Fine has returned to release Zod. What am I supposed to do?"

"Fine is merely an extension of the craft that can regenerate in any form."

"If Fine is part of the ship, then who is controlling it?"

"It's not just a shíp. It's the Brain InterActive Construct. An advanced technology that wíll stop at nothíng until íts master, Zod, has been released." Jor-El informs.

"No, there's gotta be some way to stop him." Clark inquires.

"There is one way. Zod was imprisoned ín the Phantom Zone for crimes that led to the destructíon of our planet."

"Zod killed you."

"And your mother. And our entire race. Just as he will do on Earth."

"I won't let that happen."

"Zod's physical body was destroyed to prevent hím from escaping the Phantom Zone. He can be freed if he finds a body. a vessel to inhabit." Jo-El plucks an ice sword from the pile. "You must find the human vessel and destroy it. No matter who it may be."

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