094. long day

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I Think I'm Fine...: LaLion

"I saw the papers the other day." Bruce sets down the tray before hugging me. "Congratulations. If anyone's gonna be on the front of the paper, it'd be you. And Detective Gordon."

"Thanks, Bruce." I hug him back.

"So what do the presidents of the policeman's union do, exactly?"

"Well, I'm not an officially president, still an assistant. And it depends on the president." I sit down with him on the couch.

"I see."

"How's Alfred?"

"W-Whinier than I thought. No, he-he's getting better."

"Glad to hear it." I place my glass of water on the coaster. "You two lied about who stabbed him, didn't you?"


"Did you? Lie to me?" I tilt my head. "If we don't have a description of the culprit, we won't find him, Bruce.
Alfred wants to go after him on his own. That's why you lied to me." I go on. "Bruce, look at me." I plead and he does so. "Whatever Alfred is up to, you have to stay out of it. It's dangerous, and it's not your fight."

"I cut this bread way too thick, didn't I?" Bruce looks at his sandwich.

"Bruce." I place my hand on his shoulder. "You know you can trust me, right?"

"Yeah, I know." He whispers.

"Then you know that what's said in this room, stays in this room." I inquire.

"I did lie to you, Brianna. And I'm very sorry. I just wanted to protect Alfred." He says after a few seconds.

"I know. It's okay, Bruce." I nod.

"But I wanna tell you what happened. You're my family. And I trust you."

"Tell me what happened, Bruce."


"Miss Brady, Len Moore." An officer walks over to me.

"Officer, what can I help you with?" I shake his hand.

"You're a young woman with a reputation."

"Oh, yeah?"

"A Gotham detective who actually closes cases."

"I'm not officially a detective, but I try."

"Uh, that's actually why I'm here." Len walks up the arises.

𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗 ━ 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓¹Where stories live. Discover now