061. legacy

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  Listen Before I Go: Billie Eilish

"You wanna stay for breakfast?" Clark asks as I pull up at the farm.

"No." I keep my gaze forward. "I need to sleep before work. I'm sure your parents are wondering where you've been the past twenty four hours."

"I already called them before I went over to your house last night."

"Okay. Go." I nod my head to the side.

"I can cover your shifts."

"I'm good. I like to work."

"If you wanna talk about-"

"I know, Kent." I turn to him. "I know. Now go be with your parents. I'll see you at work later."

Clark places a kiss on my forehead before pulling his head down. We start to stare at each other before I see Jonathan and Martha walking towards the car.

"Go." I murmur and he heads out of the car before I drive off.


"Good to know that I don't just buy these books for me." I hand Clark the book as I enter the diner.

"Thanks." Clark takes the book. "Did I wake you?"

"No. My alarm went off as soon as you called." I put on my apron before Clark hands a woman her food.

"Brianna, Clark, you're on break." Arielle steps out from the kitchen.

"I didn't even do anything."

"That's the biggest lie I ever heard. This place wouldn't be standing if not for you. Half hour." She heads back inside the kitchen and I step behind the counter.

"Suddenly the universe likes me?" I start making my tea. "Fuck me." I scoff before I enter the kitchen and I grab the bacon and eggs from the fridge. "You want?" I call out.

"Yeah." Clark replies and I place the pan on the stove.

"Is Lana okay?"

"Yeah. She's doing alright. Because of you." He inquires and I bite the inside of my cheek before cracking two eggs in the pan, making sure to separate them.

I now turn on the stove and the eggs start to sizzle. I grab the cheese from the fridge and then the salt and pepper. I sprinkle some cheese and watch it melt before adding the salt and pepper. Once the eggs are done, I place them onto both plates.

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