✨🍎🦋🎈 Meeting Your... Genderbentselves?? 💎🌈☀️

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Author's Note: Ayo... this is literally just crack lol. Like, I have no explanation as to how y'all managed to meet other than
✨magic✨ 😂😂😂

(M/Y/n) = Male (Y/n)


✨Dusk Shine✨

— (M/Y/n): Sooooo... you're dating... Twilight Sparkle too?

— (Y/n): Actually, his name is Dusk Shine where I'm from. But I guess technically... yes.

— Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine: *speaking excitedly in science talk and since Author has no idea how to imitate smart talk without sounding dumb lol she's gonna use emojis*

— Dusk: Wait wait, so the 🧫 🔬 ⛅️ is actually functional?!

— Twilight: Yes exactly! And that would make your theory of 🧬 ✨ 🧪 correct!

— Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine: *excited squealing*

— (M/Y/n): ...

— (Y/n): ...

— (M/Y/n) and (Y/n): *loving smirk* Nerds.



— (Y/n): Hi! I'm (Y/n)! It's very nice to meet you! *sticks hand out*

— (M/Y/n): Likewise, (Y/n)! I'm (M/Y/n)! *shakes hand*

— (Y/n): So, do want to help me pick these apples for Jack? He's got way too many chores on his plate and I was thinking of secretly doing a few of them.

— (M/Y/n): Your AJ too? I've always got to warn my girl about that. She's always so hard on herself. But she's so sweet to me. I love her so much.

— (Y/n): Me too!

— Applejack and Applejack: *hiding behind a couple of trees as they spy on their SOs.


— Applejack: I AM SO DARN LUCKY!



— (M/Y/n): *hard stare*

— (Y/n): *scoff*

— (M/Y/n): *flared nose* I. Do.

— (Y/n): *growl* Not. Likely.

— (M/Y/n): I! LOVE! HER! MORE!

— (Y/n): NOT! LIKELY!

— Fluttershy and Butterscotch: *huddling together with red cheeks and nervous smiles.

— Applejack: Uhhh what's goin' on her'?

— Elusive: The two (Y/n)'s are fussing about who loves Butterscotch or Fluttershy more.

— Applejack: Oh. But, ain't they the same person?

— Elusive: Oh, of course darling. But I'm not going to be the one to tell them that. I just waiting to see if our shy friends will stop the two before they start fighting.

— Applejack: ...I'll wait too.


🎈Bubble Berry🎈

— (Y/n): Wait wait wait, lemme get this straight...

— (M/Y/n): You two... have met before...

— Bubble Berry and Pinkie Pie: *nodding*

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