☁️Nicknames They Call You!🦋

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🦋 Butterscotch 🦋


— Oh my gosh.

— Does this boy even know what a nickname is?!

— Would he ever go through with calling you something other than your name?!


— Out of all the boys, obviously, Butter wasn't really one for nicknames.

— He JUST got used to having the girl of his dreams become his girlfriend.

— A nickname was another sign of PDA.

— Public. Displays. Of Affection.

—  Butterscotch.

— PDA.

— B U T T E R S C O T C H.

— P U B L I C. Displays. Of Affection.

— I don't think so.

— For the longest time, you were just '(Y/n)'.

— And you were more than ok with that.

— As long as Butterscotch was happy with having you as his girlfriend, who cared if he didn't give you some made up name?

— So yeah, it did surprise you a bit that one day the two of you sat snuggly in the back of the library.

— You had been quickly jotting down notes from the book your were reading when he said it.

— "How's t-that book report coming... d-dove?"

— Your rapid scribbling came to an immediate stop as you slowly turned your head to your blushy yellow boyfriend.

— W...What did he just say?

— Butter squirmed under your intense gaze, panicking slightly.

— "O-Oh (Y/n)! I-I'm so so so sorry! I-I-I just— on our way t-to the library, I no-noticed another couple and-and the guy called his g-girlfriend something nice and I-I remember my research on nicknames to call you b-but I didn't know i-if you'd like it or not—"

— You gently cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer.

— "You researched nicknames for me?"

— "I-Um... yes."

— You giggled and gave him a sweet Eskimo kiss.

— "Butterscotch, that's so sweet!"

— He let out a sigh of relief before cuddling into your shoulder.

— This boy was always full of surprises and you loved him so much.

— You really liked whenever he'd call you 'Dove'.

— That was his usual go to.

— It was the only one he was willing to use in public. And even then, he'd only whisper it in your ear when you both were with your friends.

— But in private, he had a few more that you'd grown to love as well.

— 'Ducky'

— 'Sunshine'

— You thought 'wiggleworm' was a little weird.

— "I-It's because I like w-whenever you dance."

— This made you laugh and smother him in sweet kisses.

— There was this one time when Butter was acting very strangely and confident.

— He had approached you and kissed your hand before saying, "Well hello hot stuff~"

— 😳

— Never in your life had you ever expected Butterscotch to say something so... so... so mischievous!

— He's never called you 'hot stuff' before!

— Not that you hated it.

— Oh no, far from it.  he he he~

— But you knew something was off.

— You later learned that he and his friends were under another type of spell and needed to be saved.

— After the love of your friends saved them, Butterscotch had pulled you in a tight hug and apologized for anything offensive he might have said.

— "Oh Butter! You're fine! You didn't anything on purpose. And besides, you weren't mean to me. Just... a bit different."

— He said nothing for a moment, staring deeply into your eyes in thought.

— Then, without breaking eye contact, he leaned down and whispered, "I'm glad you know me enough to know that I wouldn't just out right say 'hot stuff'. I'm more of a 'Baby' kind of guy."

— He brought your hand up and kissed the back of it with a small smirk.

— Oh sweet Equestria.

Author's Note: Just made this small A/n here for you to make your requests on a particular chapter you'd like me to create for ya! Have any questions or concerns too? Go ahead and place them here and I'll get back to ya as soon as I can! Thx a bunches!

Ending Disclaimer: I am not one of the original creators of any "My Little Pony" content or any of its original characters. I am also not associated with the Hasbro production company at all. I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol.

 I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol

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