⏰ First Time Meeting Headcanon🦋

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🦋Butterscotch x reader🦋


— Oh boy.

— You?

— Meeting Butterscotch?

— Ha!

— That'd be the day.

— He probably stays 10 feet away from you. At A L L times.

— Why?

— Well, everyone in this school had a specific group that they stuck to.

— The jocks.

— The nerds.

— The fashionistas.

— And you...

—Well, Butterscotch had labeled you, (Y/n), as the school's lone wolf, since you never hung out with anyone.

— Always wearing baggy pants and giant hoodies.

— And you were always just so... silent.

— Butterscotch wasn't even sure if he'd ever heard you speak.

— And that's considering the fact that you both had most of the same classes together.

— You rarely got called on to answer a question, though you did get good grades.

— Now don't get it twisted.

— He didn't hate you or anything.

— It wasn't like you were annoying or were mean to him.

— Not like Sunset Glare.

— That guy was the biggest bully ever.

— You were just a bit... intimidating.

— You always had that dreadful piercing gaze that warned other students not to mess with you.

— Heck!

— Even the teachers felt shivers run down their spines when you walked by.

— Butterscotch never got in your way before. And he never wanted to.

— And yet...

— For some strange reason, even when you were so clearly never looking for attention, he couldn't help but give it to you.

— You were so intriguing.

— Butterscotch found himself learning about the little quirks you had.

— The way you'd nibble on your nails whenever you were confused about a question.

— The way your eyes widen with excitement from a new chapter in your book.

— The way your lips curled up into a pretty smile whenever you thought you were alone listening to music.

— Oh, and let's not even talk about that time he accidentally caught you saving a nest of baby chicks off the ground.

— He had watched as you scaled that tree with ease and secured them in a safe spot in the branches before skillfully climbing back down.

— The admiration that shined in your grin made Butterscotch weak in the knees.

— And when you suddenly made eye contact with him with a dazed look in your eyes, only to realize you had been caught and quickly left with a blush gracing your soft-looking cheeks?

— That's when Butterscotch had a terrible realization.

— He hadn't been avoiding you out of fear you'd do something bad to him.

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