☁️Nicknames They Call You!💎

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💎 Elusive 💎


— Everyone Elusive has met has been called 'darling' sooner or later.

— So it wasn't much of a surprise to you when he called you darling as well.

— It's only deeper down the road of your friendship that you start to notice something.

— Elusive had recently begun to call say "My darling."

— Sure, he's said that to other people.

— But whenever it's pertaining to you, whether he's talking to or about you, he says 'my darling'.

— Literally. Exclusive just calling you 'mine', would make you swoon. Good oogally boogally!

— Cuz like, he literally embodies the quality of generosity. But when it comes to you, he's the most selfish son of a gun you'll ever meet.

—With Elusive being engulfed in his fashion industry, it's not surprising that he likes to use you as one of his models.

— However, he likes to make it more intimate than that. You'll never forget how he defended you from a few of his jealous model girls.

— "Hmph. If the only reason you wanted to be here was to ogle at me and my work, fine. But leave my muse out of your gawking."

— The girls laughed, thinking he was making a rude joke. But you blushed and tried to cover your embarrassed cheeks.

— "Pfft— Your 'muse'? Hahaha! What is that? Some kind of weird donkey? Ha! Good one, Elusive." The girls giggled, glancing at each other. Only... the look on his pale face made them freeze.

— The pissed glare in Elusive's eyes made those bullies want to run and hide. But the intensity of it glued them their place.

— "Obviously, you all lied when you said you were interested in being models for the experience. Or else you'd know what a muse is!"

— He had walked up to you and squished you cheeks. "Do you see her flushed cheeks?! That's because she knows that as my muse, she's considered to be my main artistic inspiration."

— Those girls had gasped and whined with jealousy, but they did it outside of Elusive's studio. All while watching the boy knowingly shares a slow romantic kiss with you through his open window.

— Ngl, that's some sadist behavior right there.

— Now, am I gonna specify which of you I'm talking about that I'm talking about?

— ...

— No.

— ...

— No, I am not.

— Moving on, Elusive wouldn't have too many nicknames he calls you, since he likes your name so much.

— But the few he does call you never fails to send shivers through your body.

Author's Note: Just made this small A/n here for you to make your requests on a particular chapter you'd like me to create for ya! Have any questions or concerns too? Go ahead and place them here and I'll get back to ya as soon as I can! Thx a bunches!

Ending Disclaimer: I am not one of the original creators of any "My Little Pony" content or any of its original characters. I am also not associated with the Hasbro production company at all. I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol.

 I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol

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