☁️Nicknames They Call You!🍎

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🍎 Applejack 🍎


— Starting off as friends, Applejack would do the same as calling you by your regular nickname.

— Except, of course, this is AJ we're talking about here.

— The boy wasn't known to be a shy one.

— Sooner or later, before you two even confessed to each other, you'd find yourself blushing when he'd call you 'Sweet Tooth'.

— I mean who wouldn't?!

— "Sweet Tooth?"

— "It's cuz everythin' you have to say will always be sweet to my ears."

— Oh my gosh, it's always 100% with this man.

— He might even go with a cliche nickname like his 'apple of the eye'.

— And whoooooooa buddy, lets not even talk about the very day he finally asked you out.

— He had taken your hand then said, and I quote,

— "Saturday, I'll be freer than a baby bird learnin' how da fly that same mornin' if you wanna catch a movie or some'em. What'da ya say, Doll? Would ya like to go on a date?"

— Yep.

— Pretty sure your heart had stopped for a solid minute.

— "Y-You had me at D-Doll!!~"

— And AJ never used '(Y/n)' since.

— Just kidding lol!

— But seriously.

— Applejack used those clever little nicknames he made up for you so much, you almost forgot he knows your actual name.

— That's probably why he likes to randomly whisper your name in your ear and watch you struggle to hide pleasant shivers.

— Lol!

— Deeper into your relationship, the names start to get a little more intimate.

— 'Angel'

— 'Baby cakes'

— 'Sugar momma'

— You just about died when he trapped you against a desk and whispered that one in your ear. Oh my gosh, AND it was in front THE GUYS too?!

— Sweet death come take me.

Author's Note: Just made this small A/n here for you to make your requests on a particular chapter you'd like me to create for ya! Have any questions or concerns too? Go ahead and place them here and I'll get back to ya as soon as I can! Thx a bunches!

Ending Disclaimer: I am not one of the original creators of any "My Little Pony" content or any of its original characters. I am also not associated with the Hasbro production company at all. I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol.

 I'm simply a random person writing non-canon fanfics, lol

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