🥺☁️A Forgotten Love?☀️

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(Author's Note: Heyo! Sorry it's been taking so long on these updates! Been real busy and I know the description has *SLOW UPDATES* on it, but I mean jeez Louise! I-what? No no, Louise

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(Author's Note: Heyo! Sorry it's been taking so long on these updates! Been real busy and I know the description has *SLOW UPDATES* on it, but I mean jeez Louise! I-what? No no, Louise. I didn't call you. It's just a saying. It's just a thing people sa— Louise, I don't know the people who came up with that. Hey uh, why don't you go and help out your dad at the Burger shop? Ok yeah! Yes, thanks. Bye now. *Sigh* Alright, where was I again? Slow updates... description... real busy sorry... Yeah! I was apologizing for taking so long! And what's worse is that this isn't even a requested one! This is one that I just made! But don't worry. The ones that have been requested are already in the works and should be out soon. In the meantime, pls enjoy this filler chapter!)

You thanked the woman behind the stand as you carried a large tray of 7 lemonade glasses to your group of friends.

You were suddenly pulled to the side.
"Say cheese (Y/n)!" Dusk Shine said, grinning from ear to ear.

You rolled your eyes and smiled as his drone flew over and snapped a picture.
"Group picture, practice run #36-A, attempt seven — success!" Dusk cheered, only for the drone to fall.

"Oh, no!" "Uh oh."
Dusk grabbed for the drone as it began to malfunction a bit.

You quickly sidestepped him and walked over to Applejack, who frowned in confusion.

"Your eyes do not deceive you!" Dusk cheered as he finally got a handle on his drone.

"I finally invented a selfie-sensing camera. It hovers into position whenever it detects a selfie opportunity."

AJ rose an eyebrow. "I prefer t' take selfies myself... ie."

You giggled as you handed him a glass.
"Nice one."

You then walked over to Rainbow Blitz and Elusive.

"Ooo, goody! (Y/n), Rainbow Blitz, Which beach blanket should we use for the photograph?"

You and Blitz shared a look.

"Uhh... do you mean the white one?"
"Or the white one?"

Elusive gasped in offense as he began to pick the various different blankets.

"This is toasted oat and linen lamb's wool. Eggshell, warm frost, pale nimbus, and... Well, that one is white, I suppose."

Rolling your eyes, you handed Blitz two glasses. "Yeah. That's the one we were talking about."

Suddenly, the wind began to blow and carried one of the blankets away.

"Don't worry, Elusive! I got it!" Barb said, chasing after it.

A pink blur zoomed forward, grabbing one of the fragile cups on your tray as he passed you.

"No, I got it! I got it!" Berry cried, gulping down his drink before tossing it aside and rushing forward.

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