He slams the gavel again and everyone sits back down.

After a long two hours of discussing back and forth, Camila being called up to the witness stand, Lauren and her friends, and finally, Grace's lawyers sit down as the judge strokes his chin, everyone waiting for the jury's decision.

"Fucking hell, I'm scared," Lauren mumbles.

Camila grabs her hand and squeezes it. "All of this won't make the jury decide quicker," She says.

Lauren brings Camila's hand up to her lips and kisses her knuckles. "They are taking long," She says.

The door to the jury room opens and they all pile out, retaking their seats.

The judge looks at the paper one of them handed as he looks at Grace.

"The jury has come to a decision. Grace Cabello Jauregui, you killed a man because you are in love with your... Mother. And it was later revealed that you also killed Taylor Jauregui Morgado years ago. But the jury has decided that you will be sent to a mental hospital instead of prison. You will be let out when the hospital has declared that you are finally healthy," The judge says. He slams his gavel and says, "Court adjourned."

The Cabello-Jauregui family hug each other in relief as the police officers help Grace stand up.

Camila and Lauren make their way over as the police officers stop. 

"Grace," Camila moves and cups her face.

"I'm... I'm so sorry," Grace says in between sniffs.

"You're my daughter... I'll do anything for you," Camila says.

The brunette hugs Grace as she hides her face into her mother's shoulder.

"I'll change I promise. I'll learn how to look at you as my mother," Grace says.

"I know you will," Camila says.

The brunette steps away and Grace looks at Lauren who embraces her tightly.

"We'll be waiting for you outside when you come out. And we'll visit you as much as we can," Lauren says.

"I'm sorry, mom. For everything I did," Grace says.

"In time I'll forgive you for all the threats you made at me and when you held us at gunpoint. You're my daughter so I will never abandon you," Lauren says.

Grace nods and Lauren moves out of the way as the rest of the Jauregui family speaks with Grace before they take her away.

The McBrewer Law Firm lawyers walk up to the Cabello-Jauregui family.

"We did it," Carlton says.

"Thank you, all of you, for the help," Camila shakes his hand.

"It was our pleasure and the glory of winning this case ain't so bad either," Carlton chuckles.

"Thank you for helping our sister," Sofia speaks.

Carlton looks down and kneels so he's at eye level with the kids.

"I saw you three and I couldn't live with myself if you three suffered with this situation, you suffered enough," Carlton says. He reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out three lollipops. "You be good to your mothers. Grace will return to you soon and as a better, healthier woman," Carlton says.

Sofia moves and hugs him as Carlton widens his eyes in surprise before hugging her back.

"I hope I see you again," Sofia says. She pulls away and pokes the tip of his nose. "Handsome," Sofia says.

"Sofia," Camila says in a warning voice.

Carlton chuckles as he stands back up. "It's okay, Mrs. Cabello. I'm used to being called handsome all the time," He says.

"His ego is inflated way too much," Rochelle rolls her eyes.

Jake and Dante laugh as they bid their goodbyes to the Cabello-Jauregui family.

"Let's go McBrewer," Rochelle says.

"If you two need a lawyer ever again, you know where to find us," Carlton says.

"Yes, we do," Camila says.

They bid their goodbyes to the Cabello-Jauregui family and leave.

Lauren looks at her parents before kneeling to be at the same height as Sofia and the twins. "When you three are ready and when the hospital allows us to, you will visit her," Lauren says.

"Soon!" Joseph says.

"Hopefully, baby," Lauren says.

She stands up and Michael and Clara pick up one of the twins in their arms as Chris picks up Sofia piggyback style.

"We'll be outside," Clara says.

"We'll catch up," Camila says.

As they leave Lauren turns to face her wife as the last of the people leave the courtroom.

"It's over," Lauren says.

"And Grace is in a mental hospital instead of prison," Camila says.

"She's strong. She can do it," Lauren says.

"Although I still wished she didn't have to be in either but... Better than prison," Camila says.

Lauren nods and cups Camila's face in her hands as the brunette wraps her arms around her wife's waist.

The green-eyed girl leans down slightly and kisses her wife passionately slow. "I love you so much," Lauren mumbled.

"I love you more, amor," Camila says when she pulled their lips away.

"Let's go home," Lauren says.

"She may be missing in the house but, she'll still be with us," Camila says.

"And... The house will shine with a new life," Lauren runs a hand over her belly.

"This baby doesn't deserve the shitty dad he got," Camila says.

"Well, luckily, it has you," Lauren says.

"Come, let's join the rest of the family," Camila says.

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