Part 51

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It had been a week since I got the ring.

And keeping it a secret was a bitch.

It was tough, especially since Hallie and I share a room that isn't too big. I wound up hiding it in one of my pockets of a winter jacket in the closet. I figured that was a safe bet considering it was August and it was hot out.

I was trying to figure out the right time to do it, to ask her to marry me. I knew that Hallie wouldn't want anything crazy- doing it in a restaurant would be too much for her. It would have to be just the two of us.

Exactly a week after I bought the ring, on August 19th, Hallie came home from work at 1 PM, she had started at 7 AM, and was only working for half a day. I had worked the night before, and had woken up at around noon.

When she came upstairs, she had a few white paper bags in her hands.

"I brought home a bunch of pastries from work!" she said, a smile on her face, "I had an idea- would you want to have a picnic and try them out? I figured maybe we could go to the park we had a picnic at for your birthday last year."

That would be perfect.

I'm doing it. I'm proposing.

"That sounds great." I said, giving Hallie a smile. My heart was starting to pound already.

"Awesome! I'm just going to touch up on my makeup and get changed." Hallie said, "I'll be right back though, I left my deodorant in the bathroom."

Hallie turned and walked out of the room- and I knew this was my chance to grab the ring and put it in my purse. I had on a black sundress, and didn't have any pockets.

I jumped up from the bed, and went to the closet. Heart still pounding, I grabbed the ring out of the jacket pocket I had it in.

I'm really doing this.

Hallie came back into the bedroom a second after I grabbed the ring, and for a second I thought she saw me.

"Are you okay?" she asked me, giving me a curious look, "You looked shocked when you saw me come back in."

"Yes, I'm fine." I said, "I just got startled."

Hallie gave me a smile and sat down at the vanity. "Blue eyeliner or magenta?" she asked me.

"Blue." I said, "It makes your eyes pop."

I calmed down a bit more as I sat with Hallie while she got ready, and when we're about to leave, I sent Cora a text quickly letting her know Hallie and I were going to the park for a picnic- and I brought the ring.

Hallie grabbed a light blanket from the storage closet downstairs while I grabbed a bottle of water for us, and then we were on our way.

I drove us to the park. I couldn't help but to think about the last time we had a picnic, over a year ago on my birthday. And I had been so stupid the night before, kissing that stranger at a bar and Hallie seeing it on Victoria's Instagram story.

When Hallie and I got to the park, I was glad to see it wasn't crowded. We went to a more secluded spot under a tree.

Perfect. No one is around.

I shook the blanket out and laid it on the grass. Hallie and I then sat down, and she started taking the pastries out of the bags.

"Did you help Gray bake all of these?" I asked Hallie.

"I did." she nodded, "I really enjoy learning pastry, Gray said they would teach me more and more."

"I'm so glad." I said, smiling at Hallie. I picked up a pastry that had strawberries and custard inside it. "This is calling my name."

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