Part 13

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I kept reading the text.

"What the fuck, Alina?"

Hallie was mad. She was always very sweet. And she seemed very hard to anger.

But I had every right to be angry too. She was on a date. Supposedly.

What if she's not? What if she was just lying to Victoria? Oh fuck. What if my dumbass just completely ruin-

"Alina? Alina!"

Victoria's voice was right next to me- yet it felt so far away at the same time.

"What?" I looked at Victoria.

"Are you good? You are staring at your phone." Victoria looked confused.

"I'm totally fine." I said, "Let's go back out and dance."

"Let's do it! Maybe we can find Sam again." Victoria nudged me.

By the time we got back to the dance floor, Sam was already making out with another girl.

Whatever. She sucked at kissing anyway.

Victoria and I danced together some more, but all I could think about was Hallie. I needed to talk to her-desperately.

After about a half hour of dancing, Victoria and I went to our hotel, which was walking distance from the club. I was always uncomfortable in the city, walking around late at night. But Victoria seemed happy and free- so I tried to follow suit.

We got a room with two beds, and we both immediately peeled off our fake eyelashes and washed the makeup off our faces.

"The best feeling. Ever." Victoria said, taking off her fake eyelashes.

"Tell me about it." I said, taking off mine.

"I'm actually very tired." Victoria said, as we walked to our beds, "We danced the night away. And while I would've been fine if you went home with another girl- I am happy you're here with me." Victoria smiled at me. She then leaned in and gave me a hug.

I hugged Victoria back- feeling a mix of appreciation, happiness, and guilt. Appreciative and happy because I had her as my best friend. And I never thought in a million years I could find a friend like her. The guilt of liking her sister so much and secretly seeing her was eating at me though.

Maybe I won't be seeing Hallie anymore. Then I can just pretend like it never happened.

Fuck. I don't want that. I don't want that at all.

"I'm happy to be here with you too." I smiled at Victoria, "Thank you for everything. Thank you for planning this."

Before Victoria could say anything, she yawned.

"Let's get you to bed, sleepyhead." I laughed.

Victoria and I each got into our beds, and we turned off the lights. I wanted Victoria to fall asleep quickly for a reason.

That reason being- so I could go outside and call her sister.

After about 20 minutes, the coast was clear. I quietly put a hoodie on over my tank top that I was sleeping in, left the room, and went out to the hallway. I walked to the end of it, where there was an ottoman bench and sat down. I could risk Victoria hearing me.

It was past 1 AM- and I knew Hallie would be up. I decided it would be best to just call her. She hasn't responded to my text asking if she was on a date- I was guessing because she was angry at the video of me making out with another girl. It would just be better to hear her voice and clear the air.

Princess Charming (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon