Part 37

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Hallie didn't sleep at all the night before the settlement. I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. We had to be up by 6 AM to get ready and be at the courthouse by 7:15 AM. It was a Friday, and both Hallie and I had taken off work.

I felt terrible that Hallie didn't get any sleep.

"Let me go make you some coffee while you get ready." I said to her and went downstairs to make her a cup of coffee as she liked it- with almond milk and lots of sugar.

When I got back up to the bedroom, I noticed she was applying her makeup a bit differently than usual. Hallie usually did darker eyeshadow with a heavy wing and long lashes, but today she was keeping it more natural. She also put her hair back in a low ponytail.

She sighed and looked at me. "Is anyone going to take me seriously there? With my hair color and all."

Hallie's hair was her usual split dye, and now it was a deep purple and black.

"I love your hair." I said to Hallie, "And it's not going to hinder a thing. No one is there to judge your hair color."

"My parents always told me that adults in a professional situation won't take me seriously." Hallie said, "I'm just worried they won't take me seriously today."

"Ryan is the one who did this to us. He is the one being judged." I said, and gave Hallie a kiss on the cheek.

I drove us to the court house. All I wanted was to get this day over with. David, our lawyer, met us outside the court house.

David was someone that my brother knew in the law field. He was a few years older than Felix, and was tall with dark hair and glasses. He was dressed to the nines.

"It's going to be okay." David said to us as we walked in, "Hallie, I'll let you know when you are needed. Alina, you'll stay in a specific area where the Turner family won't be."

"Thank you." I said to David.

"How long do you think we will be here today?" Hallie asked David.

"It depends on how their lawyer is. I want to make this as quick as possible for you. You two have been through enough."

We were led to a waiting area where there was a wooden bench that didn't look very comfortable.

"I'm going to have you wait here." David said, "Hallie, I will come get you when you are needed."

"Thank you, David." Hallie said, and I nodded in agreement.

Hallie and I took a seat on the wooden bench. It was chilly in the room, and I put my arm around Hallie to warm her up.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. We sat like that for a while in silence, but silently supporting each other.

It had been about an hour when we heard footsteps come down the hallway. Hallie and I immediately sat up, and my heart started pounding.

It was David. He came walking toward us and said, "Hallie, you can come with me. It won't be for long."

Hallie stood up. She had on a gray button down that was unbuttoned with a black dress underneath. I took hold of her hand and squeezed it before she walked off.

Sitting there without Hallie was much worse. I was feeling incredibly anxious for her, and if she was in the same room as Ryan. I knew nothing would happen to her, but I was trying to take deep breaths and relax until the moment that she came walking back with David.

He was right, it wasn't for long. It was for twenty minutes, even though that felt like the longest twenty minutes of my life.

When Hallie came walked back, she looked troubled. I could tell by her facial expression that she had been uncomfortable.

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