Part 20

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TW: This topic discusses abuse and death.

I had mixed emotions as I was driving to Hallie and Victoria's. It was no longer just Victoria's house.

Part of me was relieved that Victoria and I were on good terms again. That she was going to try to understand my relationship with Hallie.

The other part of me was completely shaken up by seeing Tori, reliving my trauma, and also quitting my job on the spot. As I drove, I saw that I was getting a call from my manager. I answered- and told her that it just wasn't the right fit. I was sure she would hear of exactly why I quit from Giselle.

Fuck her. Not that I pray on the downfall of anyones relationship- but I was sure her and Tori wouldn't last. For someone that came down on me so hard for cheating- Tori wasn't so innocent herself.

When I pulled up to Victoria and Hallie's, I wasn't sure how it would play out. I was there to see the both of them now.

Victoria greeted me at the door with a hug.
"It's okay." she said, "It's going to be alright, Alina."

When we pulled away, Victoria said, "Come down to the basement. Hallie is there. I know she will be thrilled to see you."

I noticed that Victoria was dressed very cute- in a jean jacket, corset top, and black shorts.

"You look really nice." I said to her, "Are you going somewhere?"
Victoria's cheeks flushed, "On a date actually. I figured it was okay since you would be spending time with Hallie? I didn't get to tell you on the phone, but I'm getting drinks with one of my co workers, Dean."
"Oh, you told me about him! The really cute one, right?"
"Yes." Victoria nodded, "I promise I'll tell you all about it when I get back. But in the meantime, go see your girlfriend."
I smiled at Victoria, "Thank you."

Victoria opened the door to the basement for me and said, "We'll have some girl time when I get back, okay?"
"Of course." I said.

I felt my heart pounding as I opened the basement door. I could hear music playing and immediately saw purple neon LED lights.

I started walking down the steps, and when I reached the last one- I saw Hallie, on her bed. She had Beats headphones around her neck, and she was in a black crop top and plaid pajama shorts.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

Before I could say anything, she looked up at me and then did a double take.

"Hey!" she said, "Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

She sounded thrilled to see me. She immediately got up and ran to me.
When she embraced me in a hug, I felt myself melt into her.
I was already feeling so connected to her, in ways that I couldn't even describe.

When we pulled away Hallie looked at me and said, "Is something the matter? You look like you've been crying. Of course you look beautiful...but upset."

I sighed, "I quit my job."

Hallie's eyes got wide, "Oh! What happened?"

"Can we sit down?"

"Of course. Let's sit on my bed."

Hallie and I sat across from each other on her bed. She interlaced her hand with mine as I told her about what happened with Giselle, and then seeing Tori and confronting her.

"Tori just blames me for Jocelyn's death." I said, feeling a lump in my throat, "And I always blame myself for it. But hearing it come out of someone's mouth makes it more real."

Hallie looked at me, "You've never really gone into too much detail about what she passed. You don't have to share it now."

"I will." I said, taking a deep breath, "It was a couple of days after I slept with Kenna. I slept with her after Jocelyn had pushed me down the steps out of pure rage. I somehow did not get very hurt- I had lots of bruises, but no broken bones or anything. Kenna though- she was the type of person that could never tell a lie. She was very loyal to Jocelyn, and I knew immediately after we had sex that she regretted it and felt terrible. I was almost too numb to feel anything. But anyway- the night that I went to Kenna's and we did it, Jocelyn had passed out on the couch. She didn't know where I went. And a couple of days later I was upstairs and Jocelyn had Tori, Kenna, and another friend over to drink. All of a sudden I heard a lot of yelling. So I ran downstairs, and it turns out- Kenna had told Jocelyn what happened out of pure guilt. She couldn't hold it in anymore."

"Oh no." Hallie said, looking at me, wide eyed.

"When I came downstairs, I knew inside me what happened. That Kenna had told Jocelyn. And I was right. Jocelyn was drunk, as usual. She grabbed her keys. The last thing she said to me was, 'Fuck you, slut'."

I could feel my eyes getting teary. That part always gets me.

Hallie squeezed my hand as I continued, "We all tried stopping Jocelyn when she ran outside to her car. We knew something really bad could happen if she left. Kenna even stood in front of the car to stop her once she got behind the wheel, but Jocelyn threatened to run Kenna over. And she meant it. Tori eventually grabbed Kenna and moved her. And Jocelyn drove off. We got a call an hour later that she had crashed into a tree. And she didn't make it."

"Alina...that is awful. I am so, so sorry." Hallie said.

"It just kills me...not knowing. Not knowing if it was an accident because she was so wasted or if she did it on purpose. Of course it was ruled an accident, but how am I supposed to know it wasn't intentional?" I said. I could feel the tears brimming my eyes.

"It's not your fault." Hallie said, "No matter what, it isn't your fault. I promise."

"Thank you." I said to Hallie, "It eats me alive. And I was starting to get better with it. But now it's all been brought back to me."

"I think you did the right thing- quitting your job." Hallie said, "For your mental health."

"I know. I'm just very stressed out with finances right now. I don't really have a savings or anything. Of course I don't have to pay rent or for groceries or anything. But I pay for my car. And just life itself." I said.

"I understand that. That's why what I do on the internet." Hallie looked down, like she was still ashamed.

"How long have you done that?" I asked her, curious.

"Less than a year." Hallie said, "But I've made almost triple than what I make at the preschool I work at."

"Maybe I should do it." I chuckled, somewhat joking. Somewhat not.

Hallie looked at me. "We could do it...together even. I would never pressure you into anything though, believe me."

"I would really make some money off it?" I looked at Hallie.

"Guaranteed." she nodded. I could see mischief in her eyes, "We could have fun with it, you know."

"Then let's take some photos." I said to Hallie.

"Tonight?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Why not?"

A small smile creeped onto Hallie's face. "Okay. Let me...change into something a bit sexier."

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I watched Hallie change into a pair of tiny boy shorts and a sports bra.

"Come here." I said to her, as she got on the bed.

I immediately started kissing her. She then said, "Take your shirt off. Let me put my hands on your chest."

I did as she told me. She then asked me, "Can you take a photo of this?" she then put both her hands on my boobs and said, "My hands are a bit full."

I nodded and held up my phone. We both looked at the camera, and I made sure to get a good shot of her grabbing me.

When I put the phone down, Hallie smiled at me.

"Being able to grab my girlfriends amazing tits and also make money for it? Pretty sweet."

I couldn't help but laugh, and Hallie did too.

Little did I know- this was going to send my life into a tailspin.

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