Part 29

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Hallie's POV
I was shaking as I pulled up to my parents home- which was no longer my home. That was made very clear.

The thought of my dad opening up an email and seeing images of me and Alina- even if just for a split second- made me sick to my stomach.

When my mom called me, screaming at me, my whole body practically went numb. It was like my worst nightmare was unfolding right in front of me.

When I first started posting the explicit photos, I knew there was a chance it could be outed. Someone could subscribe to my page that knew someone my family did. But over time, it started to seem extremely unlikely.

Now my life was unraveling, but more importantly to me- Alina's life was as well. And now I was going to have to live with her, her brother, and Cora. I didn't want them to think I was invading their space.

I unlocked the keys to my house, and I knew one person would be there- my mom. Maybe my sister Leah, but I knew she wouldn't bother me.

Thankfully my dad was at work, and so was Victoria.

Victoria- who sent me a simple text saying "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

I ignored it. I just hoped that she wouldn't text Alina anything awful. I knew that would break Alina, even if she tried to say it didn't.

When I walked into the house, it was silent. I was sure my mom was busy in the kitchen, probably with a glass of wine.

I practically tip toed down to the basement. When I was down there, I grabbed an old, large black bag of mine that was in the corner of the basement by my bed. I started filling it with random clothing items skin, and makeup products.

I need to bring my game consoles. My Nintendo Switch. My PlayStation. My Xbox.

I stood in the middle of the basement, completely overwhelmed.

I grabbed my Switch and put it in the bag. Even if I just had one console that was better than nothing. I then put my laptop in the bag and looked around the basement.

My basement. That I had worked so hard to make my own. The LED lights. The artwork. The furniture.

My eyes welled up as I realized that this was now going to be a thing of the past.

I then took a deep breath and started to walk up the steps.

And my mother was right at the basement door.

She looked at me.

"I've never been so disappointed before, Hallie."

I looked at her and said back, "I'm sorry."

"You should be." my mother said, "You certainly should be.

I then started to walk away and my mom followed me to the door.

"When you were a little girl, running around with your sandy blonde hair and big green eyes, this is not the life I envisioned for you." my mom said.

"Don't try to guilt trip me. It's not going to work." I said.

And then I walked out, closing the door behind me.

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