Part 50

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"I want to propose to Hallie."

Cora looked at me from across the kitchen counter, wide eyed.

"Oh!" she said, "Do you mean in the future or...soon?"

"Soon." I said, "Very soon. That doesn't mean we have to actually get married soon, but it just feels like the right time to do it. I haven't been able to get out of my head that I want to propose to her since my birthday."

"And that was a month ago." Cora said, "So you've had some time to really think about it. When do you think you'd want to look at rings?"

"As soon as possible." I said.

"Would you want to go look today? I have a friend from work, and her family owns a jewelry store about a half hour away. Of course you would not have to pick out anything today, no pressure. But it could be fun to look." Cora suggested.

"Hallie won't be home until 4:30." I said, "Let's do it. I will go grab one of the rings Hallie wears to be able to guesstimate her ring size."

I went up to the bedroom and changed into something a bit nicer to wear rather than my yoga pants and t-shirt. I then looked at the vanity that Hallie and I shared- and immediately saw 3 of her silver rings on the vanity. I picked one up that had a silver snake on it. That would have to do for reference.

I didn't even feel nervous to look at rings. I felt excited.

Cora drove us over to the jewelry shop. It was very nice inside, and immediately my stomach dropped.

I can't afford a damn thing in here.

An older gentleman came up to Cora and I.

"Hi, ladies." he said in a friendly tone, "My name is Phil. How can I help you today?"

Cora spoke, "Alina, my sister-in-law here wants to check out some engagement rings."

Phil nodded, "Of course. Is this for you, to get an idea of what you may want- or is this for someone else?"

"It's for my girlfriend." I said.

Phil nodded, "Very well, Alina. Let me lead you over to the ring section."

As Cora and I followed Phil, she told him that she was friends with his daughter, Tessa. After about a minute, him and Cora were talking like they were old friends.

He led us over to a large case of many beautiful different rings- none of which had price tags.

Yeah- I definitely can't afford anything here.

"Now, Alina." Phil said, "Don't worry, I won't bother you while you look, unless you want my help. What kind of budget did you have in mind though, so I can point you in the right direction."

"I know it's not much- but I can't go over $1200." I said, feeling a bit ashamed.

"Let's make that $2,500." Cora said, "If you see something you think Hallie would love, I want you to be able to get it for her."

I stared at Cora. "You absolutely do not have to do that."

"I know." Cora said, "But I want to."

"I'll still try to find something within my budget." I said.

"We have a nice selection for your budget." Phil said, leading us over to the left side of the case.

I started looking at all of the rings- and immediately my eyes landed on a ring with a oval shaped diamond that had a pink hue to it, and it was on a silver band.

Hallie would love that. I just know it.

"Can I see that ring out of the case?" I asked Phil, pointing to the ring that caught my eye.

"Of course." Phil nodded.

"Oh, that one is lovely, Alina." Cora said, "I think Hallie would love that."

Phil took it out of the case, and put it in a box meant for the ring so I could look at it.

"The diamond on this one is really unique with the pink hue to it." Phil said.

"My girlfriend Hallie, her favorite color is pink." I said, "I just know she would love this one. I...I think I want to get it."

"Sometimes when you know it's the right one, you just know." Phil said, "This particular ring is at the top of your budget, it is $2400."

Before I could say anything, Cora said, "That is absolutely fine. If that is the ring you want to get Hallie, then you are getting this ring."

"Are you really sure about this?" I asked Cora.

"Of course." Cora said, "Don't you worry about a thing, honey."

Phil smiled at us. Then he said, "Alina, do you by chance know Hallie's ring size?"

"I feel a bit silly now, but I brought a ring with me that I've seen her wear a lot. I thought that you could maybe use it for reference." I said, reaching into my pocket to take out the ring with the snake on it.

"Don't feel silly." Phil said, taking the ring, "It's great that you came prepared."

After a few moments, Phil said, "It looks like Hallie's ring size is a 5. Of course, if you need it re-sized by chance, by all means, come in so I can do that. But I can have this ring sized to a 5 an hour if that's okay with you."

Cora nodded and then said to Phil, "Alina and I will go get some lunch. We will come back after, and I'm sure that'll be a bit longer than an hour."

"Very well." Phil said, "I'll have you pay when you come back. Enjoy your lunch, ladies."

Cora and I went to a Mexican restaurant in the same shopping center as the jewelry store.

As we are some chips and salsa, I said, "I feel really bad that you're literally paying for half of my ring."

"Do not feel bad at all, Alina." Cora said, "I am more than happy to do so. And don't think that Felix hasn't mentioned either that if you ever wanted to buy a ring for Hallie that he would want to help."

"Okay." I nodded, "I still feel bad. But okay."

"It's the very least I could do for you." Cora said to me, "I know that doing this kind of activity was something you may have pictured doing with your mother or your sister. I am so glad to be able to be here for you."

"It doesn't quite bother me that my mother wouldn't be here with me as much as it does that Maria wouldn't." I said, "Cora, I wouldn't want anyone else to be here with me, though. You are my sister."

Cora smiled at me warmly, "And you are mine. Always." she then put her hands on her stomach and said, "And you are going to be the best Aunt in about two months. You and Hallie."

"You know she loves kids." I said, "She is going to be elated when the baby arrives."

"Who knows, maybe you'll have one of your own one day." Cora said.

"Yeah, let's not get that far ahead." I said, and Cora laughed.

We finished our tacos, and then went back to the jewelry store. Phil had the ring sized, and in a beautiful box. Cora and I paid, and thanked him for his help.

As we walked out of the shop, I couldn't quite believe that I had an engagement ring in my hand.

"I didn't actually think I was going to buy a ring today." I said to Cora, "But I just know that Hallie is going to love this. Even though part of me thinks she would have been happy with a cotton candy ring pop."

"She would be happy if you tied up a string in a circle and proposed with that." Cora said, "Alina, that girl loves you more than anything."

And I feel the same way about her.

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