Part 32

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I won't lie, when Hallie moved in I was nervous that things would change between us. That it would cause some kind of rift in our relationship, as we weren't exactly ready to live with each other, we kind of just got thrown into it.

But we were making it work, really well in fact. We spent time together, however we also both had this mutual understanding that we needed time to ourselves as well. Plus, with me working three nights a week, we had time to miss each other.

Hallie was enjoying the new location of the daycare she was working at. There were other girls there around our age that she seemed to be getting along with.

I loved that Hallie was making friends. It made me happy to know that she was going to work and enjoying the people she was talking to.

My job was not as much like that. I spoke to many other people in the hospital, but I was constantly moving to patients rooms all over the building so I didn't have any set people that I worked with.

Friendship was definitely something that was missing in my life. Hallie was my best friend- don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade for the world that my girlfriend was also best friend. I also had Cora and Felix.

But there was definitely a little bit of a void there without Victoria.

Before her, friendship was never something that was prominent in my life.

Having moved when I was 5 years old from Ukraine, I got bullied a lot when I was young. My accent was heavy, my English wasn't great, and I was very shy and timid. Even as I started to blossom and hold my own, I was never allowed by my parents to have anyone over my house or even go to other girls homes to hangout outside of school.

In high school I had a few friends that I would talk to a lot in school, but most of my weekends were spent at home.

When I met Jocelyn and eventually moved with her, I acquired her friends. They weren't actually my friends, they were contingent on my relationship with Jocelyn.

I lost each and everyone of them after she died.

My first year of college, I was so traumatized from everything that happened the years prior that I didn't make any effort to form relationships with anyone, even acquaintances.

My first real, true friend was Victoria. That didn't end well.

I didn't find myself missing her per say, more just that close friendship bond with someone.

In times like this, I often found myself missing my sister, Maria, as well. However, she was just like my parents. And I knew if I tried to reach out to her, I would regret it.

It had been 2 weeks since we found out about Ryan being the one that sent the emails. It loomed in my mind daily, but I couldn't actually do anything about it until the court date, which we had to be notified about.

On the last Friday in January, I was off from work that whole weekend. I had worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, and we relieved that I didn't have to be in work for a few days.

Hallie was working at the day care until 6 PM, and she called me on her way home.

"Hey!" she said, "A couple of the girls that I work with are going out tonight to a bar that's pretty close. They wanted to know if we wanted to join them."

"We? They would want me to come as well?" I asked.

"Definitely." Hallie said, "They know who you are, I talk about you tons."

I smiled to myself. "Okay." I said, "If you want to go, I'll certainly go with you."

"Great!" Hallie said, "I think I want to go. I'm a little bit nervous, honestly. Seeing them outside of work could be weird. But I think we should try to go."

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