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Evelyn's POV

The morning sun painted a gentle glow on my room as I reluctantly opened my eyes, disturbed by the sounds emanating from the kitchen. Alone in my bed, I searched for Alexandro, but he was nowhere to be found. Memories from last night flooded my mind – spending the night talking with Alexandro, asleep on top of him. This wasn't good; I needed to distance myself from him. Despite him not doing anything wrong, I didn't want to be entangled in the Mafia world, and truthfully, I was still scared of him.

Curiosity and a bit of dread pulled me toward the kitchen. As I entered, I was met with an unexpected sight—a breathtaking view of Alexandro, wearing only shorts, expertly flipping pancakes. His back, adorned with well-defined muscles, was a sight to behold. The contrast of his sculpted physique against the morning light was both alluring and unsettling.

"Good Morning, Tesoro," he greeted, still facing away. His senses seemed sharper than ever.

"Good Morning," I replied, my voice a mixture of uncertainty and guarded politeness. 

He turned. "I hope you had a good sleep," he asked in his husky voice, teasing me. I knew what he meant. Honestly, I did sleep well. Also, I didn't have any nightmares, as I had been having them for the last few weeks.

"Yes, I did. Thank you," I replied.

Closing the distance, he circled his arms around me, declaring, "I had a peaceful sleep, Tesoro. I love having you in my arms while sleeping. You look like a beautiful angel," he said while gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

We were staring into each other's eyes. Slowly, his eyes diverted towards my lips. Just as the atmosphere grew charged with anticipation, my phone rang, interrupting the moment. "I should probably pick it," I stammered, my heart racing, and escaped to my room to answer Mia's call.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead. Hope you are awake. I know it's Sunday, but get ready soon. I am going to pick you up in 1 hour as we have to go somewhere," Mia replied. Mia always does this—never telling me the details, and then I end up in weird, crazy situations.

"Mia, please tell me where we are going. You know I hate surprises. Please tell me," I pleaded.

"Ok, but please promise that you will not say no; I am really looking forward to this." She said, asking me to promise her. Oh heck, I can't say no to her; she has always been there for me.

"All right, Girl, calm down. I will come wherever you want me to come with you. But please tell me so that I can prepare myself for it," I replied.

"Okay, so as you know we are having holidays for Christmas from next week, and since Alexandro and Romanio are always busy with their business trips, this time Alexandro has suggested that me, Romanio, and Alexandro should go on a trip together. Romanio has suggested that I should take you with us so that we all can have fun. And I said yes from your side. Please don't say no. We will have fun for the whole week." Mia said with enthusiasm.
I know this is all Alexandro's plan. He is so smart. I can't spend a week with him. I want to stay away from him, but this guy is not letting me.

"Mia, I don't think it's a good idea. I think it's better if I don't come. You should enjoy your time with your family. Anyway, after holidays, we will meet again," I said.

"Eve, please don't say no. I need you there with me. It will be fun. Also, who knows when we will get this much free time after holidays. Please, please don't deny. Anyway, you promised me. Now get ready; Romanio is taking me for shopping, and I insist you join us so that we can discuss our trip and buy clothes for you too." She said in excitement. I don't know what is happening and how to get out of this situation.

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