The Mobile Unit's Prestige (In A Double Sense)

Start from the beginning

However, there was one that caught them off guard.

"W-what is that!?"

"Is that... a warship!?"

What appeared was the Musashi, the second Yamato-class artillery destroyer, and the Katsuragi, an Akagi-class aircraft destroyer.

The Musashi was 260 meters long, while the Katsuragi was 332 meters, the same length as the Nimitz-class. In addition, the latter is a supercarrier that takes up a lot of space, so its length and beam can be summed up in one word: "Huge."

Both Waspanium XIV and Chiffon were stunned by the scale of those ships.

"...Japanese cargo ships and tankers have visited our country before... but that one is... comparable, or maybe even bigger."

"To think monsters like that existed in this world..."

For the Japanese, aside from the Musashi, the Akagi-class aircraft destroyer is based on the American Nimitz-class, so of course it cannot be said to be all original. However, for people in this world who will be seeing them for the first time, such things are irrelevant. They felt a strong sense of awe at the fact that Japan built such a huge warship and has the technology and national power to build it.

This escort group had been sailing on the eastern route via the Sindhvan Community. If the Panama Canal had been completed, it would have been quicker to pass through it and go via Australia, but the canal is still only about 70% complete after more than a decade. This is due to the fact that the construction industry, both in Japan and abroad, is busy as hell, but there is no way around this as there is also pioneering work to be done.

From the Japanese point of view, it is difficult to understand why the ancient civilization did not build the Panama Canal. If there had been a civilization in the Americas, the existence of the Panama Canal would have been indispensable. If anything, the Japanese government's reasoning was that either aviation had developed faster than Earth, or they had no idea that they would have to pass through the continent.

However, based on the remains of the ancient civilization that existed in other countries (especially in Eurasia), the government believed that it was highly likely that the ancient civilization had little to do with the Americas despite their advanced technology. In reality, however, there are still many areas that have not been fully investigated, such as Alaska in the north, and the possibility that some facilities may be located there cannot be ruled out.

Still, some have suggested that since satellites have not captured them, they should be considered non-existent, but the government is still in the middle of a debate because it said, "Then we can't think of any reasons why the various demi-human races that are the original inhabitants would exist."

Some scholars have pointed out the possibility that the Americas may have been a testing ground for the growth of demi-human and ancient creatures. This would explain why dinosaurs existed only in the Americas and why the dark elves, Arachnes, ogres, minotaurs, antmen, and bee-people, which did not exist in the Americas, might be the creatures they wanted to create. However, this too is not beyond the realm of speculation, and there are still strong oppositions.

By the way, there were dwarves, winged people, and lizardmen in the Americas. The lack of clarity in this area of discrimination and distinction also added to the confusion of the government and experts.

Back to the topic.

"I have wondered what it means to make our ports so deep and so big, but it makes sense if they are going to... put those huge ships in there."

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