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The trek back to the Akademiya was unforgiving.

Between an unarmed, injured soldier who very well could have killed me somehow during our travels and the countless mishaps with low food stock, nowhere to sleep and tiger chases, I couldn't tell which one was worse.

But somehow, perhaps through sheer luck, we had arrived at the steps of Sumeru City within days.

Hands on hips, I stretched out my tired back and yawned before continuing on to follow the exhausted Fatuus through the green metropolis. It only took us a few minutes to reach the university, but it felt so much longer with my agitated aching body and his still-bloodied hand and back.

In fact, walking up the remaining few steps to the Akademiya might have been the very last straw, the last morsel of patience I had because the minute we finally made it up there my knees dramatically buckled beneath me and I found myself on the floor of the large bridge. "Soldier, wait."

I commanded croakily, a shaky hand on my knee and another outstretched to the Fatui man who ignored my order and was tiredly making his way past the bridge and onto the main concrete steps of the building. Maybe his brain was on auto at this point, and honestly I don't blame him. But I could not have that same luxury, he just wasn't trustworthy enough to keep my guard down around. With all these people here though, I must admit I do feel safer.

The Fatuus audibly sighed when he heard me call out to him again, slowly he spun around and walked back to tower over me on the floor. "You're embarrassing me."

I raised a brow, tilted my head, and left my dehydrated mouth slightly ajar at his statement. "Fine." Before slowly rising from the floor, legs shaking at the effort. "Take me to the lab then." Can't even catch a break. I'm so fucking thirsty I could slurp up one of those juicy blue slimy things we passed.

He huffed in annoyance and turned back around, wincing from his wounds. 

We must be quite the sight, covered in blood and making the scene that we were. I mean how often do you see a Fatui soldier and some random lady, both covered in blood, just making a racket in one of the busiest locations of a city?

These people must have been going about their average lives and witnessed this, at least we gave them something interesting to talk about. 

Honestly, it amazes me that not even the authoritative-looking guards around the city noticed us. Well, I mean, our sneaking around wasn't really that good considering the number of times we both wavered at the faint scent of food.

I could spot quite a few scholars turning their heads our way, a few even whispered in horror. But I was so over it. This wasn't the first time I had blood on my hands in this city or in this university anyway.

I followed the soldier as he trudged through the automatic doors, looking menacing as he did. I guess there was a plus to forcing a Fatui man to take you to a highly prestigious location, no one will have the guts to question you aloud. 

But that thought flew right out the window the minute we both saw that deliciously mouthwatering water fountain. I just want to drink something, anything...

Experiment Gone Wrong (Dottore x reader)Where stories live. Discover now