Blue Hair

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Having talked to Aether and Paimon, I was now on my way to the Akademiya. Plan A was about to be set in motion, I needed as much information about the place and its available schools, or darshans, as Tighnari called them. Then, I'll be able to assimilate into the environment with ease.

I was once again at the grand university. Gripping my bag, I began journeying over the bridge towards the entrance but then paused at the site of a familiar blue-haired man.

He's a student here? Actually, he doesn't look like a student... a professor?

His gloved fingers tapped against his chin as though in intense thought, looking around for something, or someone.

Then all movement paused, a smirk took residence under his mask and he began walking towards the bridge I was currently glued to.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" His deep voice rang out as he stood in front of me, tilting his head in curiosity. "How have I never seen you here before?"

"I-" Clearing my throat, I placed my hands behind my back and looked up at the towering man. "I'm a new student."

"Really now." He chuckled. "Welcome to the Akademiya. What are you studying?"

What the fuck did Tighnari call it again? Amita? Anurta?

"Amurta." I stuttered. "I am very much into Amurta, things."

He stifled a laugh, the side of his hand over his mouth.

I joined in his laughter, albeit hesitantly. "Anyway, I'm just going to..."

"Hold on."

My palms began to sweat a little in anxiety and I began fiddling with my fingers behind my back in fear. Ah, crap he knows I'm lying. Abort mission, y/n. Abort mission!

"About that date."

Oh, thank fuck. "I'm busy right now, but maybe another time?"

He feigned seriousness and tutted. "Nonsense. Come."

Commanding, jeez.

"Look, z something- what was your name again?"


"Look, Zandik. I'm sure you're really sweet and anyone would be lucky to have you, but I am not interested."

"Y/n, has anyone ever told you, you look devastatingly gorgeous."

What. Suddenly, my cheeks began to feel heated and my awareness kicked into overdrive.

He tilted his head and allowed a small gentle smile to emerge. "Would you care to join me for dinner tonight? At a restaurant, where I will be paying."

Looking him up and down in suspicion, my thoughts drew back to the day I purchased a 1-night stay. "Is there a reason why you mentioned that you'll be paying?"

"My, can't I spoil a lovely lady?"

Hesitance was clear on my features, but I cannot deny that I need to save as much money as I can. It would help if I didn't have to spend any more mora. Plus, he is handsome and for whatever reason, he does seem to like me.

"Alright, fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do this just once." I offered him a polite nod. "What time and where?"

His hand came up, just like our previous encounter, he wanted my hand. "How about right now at Lambad's Tavern."

It's already past 6pm? Aether should be waiting for me in an hour or so. Sighing and cringing slightly out of embarrassment, I presented my hand to him. His face came in line with mine as he delicately took my hand.

He, much like before, kissed the back of my hand, before letting me go. If it wasn't for his mask, I would have been certain his eyes were staring into mine at that very moment; I felt my flushed cheeks grow even brighter as I hid my hands from his view once again.


Chapter Notes

Double upload today! 

Yes, that does mean I have been procrastinating for the whole day but whateeever its fineee

I'll just stay up late tonight to study lol

Anyway, shit is about to drop on y/n very soon.

Next chapter will drop in a bit xx

Experiment Gone Wrong (Dottore x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora