Surgery 2

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Wherever Paimon was, Aether was. The man who had once saved my life was saving it again, panicked muffled words dripped out of my cloth-filled mouth and my eyes widened as my body was washed over with relief.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, traveller?"

"Let y/n go and we won't have to fight, fatui scum." His brazen voice rang loud and clear. I thanked the stars for this convenient interruption.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, you see, y/n and I are in the middle of a very important experiment."

Aether quietened for a while, I began to move around in my restraints restlessly wondering what the hold-up was.

"Then so be it!"

I heard Aether's footsteps rush over to the surgical table before a flash of purple flew over my figure, I let out a muted scream and watched as Dottore's mask was ripped off his face and fell to the floor.

The man had his head turned to the side. Blue hair draped his shoulders, creating a curtain to hide his features from Aether but I could clearly see what had been under that mask.

Albeit my eyes couldn't possibly comprehend what I was seeing, for what was underneath wasn't human.

Red eyes shone down into mine whilst his cruel psychotic smile stole my breath away. It was almost surreal, the mask had not just hidden his inhumane glare, however, but also the raised scars that riddled the upper portion of his face. They all looked old, melted into his skin to create rough patches and webbed cicatrices. Except for a long scratch on his upper left cheek, which protruded and bled slightly from Aether's attack.

Sympathy swiftly enveloped my heart and it dawned on me at that moment, he wasn't hiding his face because of his profession like he said previously. His blemishes were a mark of his past that he deliberately hid.

And I wanted to touch them, to trace the rough raised skin with my fingers. 

But all that sympathy vanished the minute he started laughing, a loud and heartless laugh. Eyes still piercing into mine.

Without looking up at Aether, he ordered his underling to pick his mask up and then placed it on his face, returning back to his previous state. "I'm not going to fight you, stupid boy."

I looked on, still in a state of shock.

"You can take her out of my sight."

He's just... going to let me go? That's it? That confused me. What on earth was he thinking? just a while ago he was threatening me if I ever left.

Aether slowly lowered his sword and placed it under the leather strap that restricted my head, all the while cautiously watching Dottore, "don't move." The tip of the sword lifted up, cutting through the leather strap and with his other hand, he pulled the tape from my mouth allowing me to push the torn fabric out.

I had plenty to say before, but now no words could describe what I felt. My mind was empty as was my heart, almost as though a piece of me had drifted just out of reach.

Dottore had ordered his men to free me from the cuffs and as soon as they did, I pushed myself up to a seated position, tears that had once fallen from the corners of my eyes now clung to my face, leaving behind a salty stain.

"I found your note."  Aether softly spoke, his hand was out and waiting for me to grab it.

I don't know why but I hesitated. This is the right thing. I should be happy. Chapped lips formed a forced smile as I thanked Aether for saving me a second time, however, my hands ignored his and I pushed myself off the table myself. 

"I promise, he will never take you away again-"

"Until we meet again, my girl." Dottore intervened, pulling his gloves off and dropping them onto the surgical table.

I glared at him haughtily. My girl. He's still playing his mind games as though he hadn't just lost for once.

But then my mind wandered, remembering his piercing red gaze and raised blemishes softened my glare into a forlorn gaze. Memories travelled to the day before when he had caressed me so gently that I was all but left with a warm tingling sensation on my face, my body.

It broke me to think this was the same man. Looking away from him slowly, I placed a hand on my chest and turned to face Aether once again trying my hardest to ignore the laser-like stare of Dottore. "Let's go."

This man is not sane, I cannot condone his behaviour. It doesn't matter what good he's done if he only fucks it up with torture and nonconsensual surgeries.

And so we left, but not before I caught a glimpse of Zandik's cold sneer turn into a sorrowful frown.


Chapter Notes

Wattpad doing me dirty today ong

Maybe there were too many words? but like I still hate that-

Anyway, please look out for the next chapter (and pray its not in pieces)

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