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As I entered the library, my mind began to deliberate. 

If Dottore had met me by the Amurta section, could he have possibly hidden the terminal there?

No, the section was far too busy for someone to not accidentally stumble upon it. So, perhaps, a less frequented area of the library or an abandoned spot would make more sense. But the problem is, I have no clue where any of these spots would be. Fuck if I knew, right? I've only been in here once and it had nothing to do with learning about the so-called medicinal values of plants.

As my mind began to analyse my current situation and connect possible locations, I aimlessly wandered through the impressive collection of well-used books, stopping every so often to comb through pristine oak desk drawers and orderly spotless bookshelves, lifting stacks of pressed crème-paged literary articles to peer behind them, taking in their rough bindings and their undying scent of bibliosmia.

From what I remember Zandik telling me, during the many nights we spent together, the library was split into 7 sections, all of which correlate with the different darshans; Amurta, Kshahrewar, Vahumana, Rtawahist, Spantamad, Haravatat, and there was one more... what was it called again...

Crap I can't remember. It had something to do with banned text though, a complete darshan that had been discarded as a result, so that could be the section I need.

But then, wouldn't that specific section be cordoned off? 

Whatever, I'll figure out where exactly it is when I find out if it still even exists.

As I sifted through the copious amounts of leather-bound books on display, limping slowly through section after section, I came across a round disjointed marble floor, surrounded by four stained-glass mahogany-framed doors and connected via white agate. 

"Man, this place..." Awestruck, I traced my fingers along the colourful stains, it looked to be an escalator with no walls to keep the user inside, "how to operate this..."

As I stepped onto the round escalator floor, lights turned on around me and a light buzzing was heard beneath my feet, rumbling my being entirely. I straightened my back at the sudden whir of electricity and looked around; was someone here?

Was I about to be discovered?

The light buzzing faded slowly as I hyper-fixated on my surroundings, listening for more sounds but none came.

Then, just as I was about to relax again, the light buzzing returned more fervently, rattling the stained glass surrounding my figure slightly. I spun on my heels to face the library entrance, panic clear as day on my visage.

But no one came in, it was quiet except for the escalator's low rumbling and the slight vibrations of glass against wooden door frames.

So with a relieved sigh, I processed my over-contemplation and hesitantly kneeled to lightly touch my fingers against the pearly crystalline linoleum, slowly and gently. As though I did not want to wake the beast resting beneath.

But to no avail, a strum of electricity sparked at my touch making me flinch and reel my fingers back; without warning the escalator began to descend.

Experiment Gone Wrong (Dottore x reader)Where stories live. Discover now