Even a week ago when I was scared, now I feel better about everything.

There are doubts in my mind. I want to go back to the way where I couldnt hurt myself, and hurt everyone else. But then I realize it's better now.

The bad feeling, regarding Neteyam, still rests in the back of my mind. However, I know that even with that, this is what Eywa wants. And that our friendship is what Neteyam wants.

He knows my history, and that bad things can happen, but he does not care.

His perspective has really helped me get along this past week.

"You want to go during the eclipse?" My father presumes. Both Aonung and I nod. "Okay," He turns to Kiris dad.

Kiris eyes peer up to him, begging him. Jake looks at her for a moment, and then turns back to my father. "My children can go."

He looks at Neteyam behind me, and then to me for a split second. It is so strange to see both of our parents so cautious about this.

I can barely hide my excitement as I look up to Kiri. Her smile is beaming. "Thank you dad!"

"Of course, baby girl."

Sand suddenly covers my leg, and two hands squeeze my shoulders.

I gasp and then look next to me. Neteyam plops down in the sand besides me.

A large smile is on his face. Neteyams smile is so contagious.

"Ni'awtu, I love your hair!" Tuk compliments, sitting in front of Neteyam.

I almost forgot I changed my hair yesterday. It now has two braids connecting together in the back.

I shift my eyes over to her, and smile. "Thank you Tuk."

"I like it too." Neteyam whispers in my ear. Chills rush through my entire body.

Instantly, I look to our dads to see if either of them noticed. The only one who did is Kiri.

Of course she did, she notices everything. Kiri sighs and looks from me to Neteyam, with her eyebrows raised.

I shove my elbow out to Neteyams side and scowl at him. "Skxawng."

He laughs, pausing when he looks to Kiri. She scowls at him.

"We are going to our spirit tree tonight." I tell Neteyam and Tuk.

"Really?" Tuk asks. I nod.

"When?" Neteyam asks.

"Eclispe." Aonung leaves the conversation with our fathers and joins ours.

"It is the best time to go." I state. I love going during the night. Our tree lights up under the water. It makes everything so much more.

"I figured I wasn't aloud to go out anymore." Neteyam laughs.

Does he really have to bring that up?

"You shouldn't be allowed to." Aonung says to me.

"Shut up."

"It's probably because we are all going." Kiri gives Neteyam the obvious explanation.

Neteyam nods, and then tickles Tuks sides. She breaks out in a laughing fit. "Neteyam!" She squeals.

If our fathers were not here I would protect her and tickle Neteyam, but I don't want anything to be worse.

Instead, Kiri stands up from beside her father and runs to Neteyam, knocking him away from Tuk.

Her laugh also sounds. As she points at Neteyam lying in the sand.

She turns to me, still laughing. But she doesn't notice her brother getting up beside her.

I laugh as he pushes her to the sand as well. Her face seeks revenge.

Jake and my father stand up after getting attacked by sand. They both talk quietly saying something about children.

At the moment it is only Jake's children, but as soon as they get far enough away, I stand up.

"Ni'awtu," Aonung warns, pulling my hand. This is only play fighting, nothing is wrong with it.

Neteyam stands, walking back towards Tuk, leaving Kiri on the ground.

Smiling I grab Kiris hands, pulling her up.

And then I turn to sneak up on Neteyam.

Walking behind him, I breath quietly and then tickle his sides.

I've already figured out that this is his tickle spot from Kiri.

He turns around quickly, laughing very hard. "Nia!" He yells.

He tries to move my hands with his but fails, as I shove them off, and hold them with one of my hands.

The next thing I know, his hands are loose and he is holding mine. Shit.

I fall to the ground, trying to get free. He can't tickle me.

But that is exactly what he does.

He goes down with me, holding my hands to the side with one of his. And then he tickles my stomach.

My rare laugh falls out, I can't even help it. I don't want to give him the satisfaction, but there is no way I am stopping.

The feeling of his skin on mine is normal by now, but there is something that can't help but think there is something different.

It's like I want him off, but there is also a point where it is the only thing I want to feel.

Oh shit. My mind finally stops. That is ridiculous. nothing feels like that i tell myself.

Nothing feels like that.

I bring up my left leg, shoving him off of me and to the side. This gives me the advantage.

I climb over and onto him. There is a point where my hands are lose and I escape.

Still laughing at my victory, I climb off and nod to Aonung. Who cares about what I am supposed to do.

He just smiles at me, he knows I proved him wrong even if it makes no sense.

I look over to Tuk as I walk away, she tries attacking Kiri. But she is failing. I love Tuk.

Behind me, Neteyam still lays in the sand, starring at the bright sky.

Okay, I actually laughed at when Jake said baby girl, but I had to keep him in character haha.

kind of her new hair without the strands

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kind of her new hair without the strands

Also cute little scene ig, I'm excited for the spirit tree!

-im hoping it's is a lil longer chapter

I hope you all are well, and having a good day!

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