𝐀𝐂𝐓 ⁰¹⁹ : 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞

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ACT ⁰¹⁹ : untangle

"Look, I know you are worried about the future," I started. Taehyun and I were in the kitchen while everyone else waited for us in the living room. "But just now I... traveled to the night."

Taehyun seemed to understand what 'night' I talked about.

"There, I met this lady—"

"Cut to the chase."

"I might be able to fix whatever you are afraid of happening. That's what the lady said that is."

"Fix it?"

"When you travel into the past, everything has already happened! But when you travel into the future, nothing had happened. It's just one possibility out of all the possibilities and a hint of what may happen."

"What are you trying to get to?"

I took a huge breath in, "You need to trust me. Yeonjun's right. We can't avoid this. Those people are after us and they know us. We can't get away even if we split up. It's too late."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I am suggesting that... we stick to the plan. You show us everything what happened in the past and we'll defeat whatever that's haunting us. We'll get over with it."

"But you saw the night—"

"We can change it. The lady. She told me I could change it. I would do whatever it takes but I will not make you regret your decision. You need to trust me in this." Maybe it was a sense of responsibility. But the words from Mt early nightmares still haunted me till this day when Yeonjun had said If it weren't for you, we all would be together. We all would have survived the curse.

I don't know if it was just a dream or the truth and the only way I could stop overthinking about it was to find out what really happened that made us end up this way.

Taehyun took some time to think and rethink.

"Oh, come on!" I insisted.

"This is difficult for me—"

"Taehyun," I took his hand in mine. "You need to trust me. That's all."

He looked at me with his big curious eyes and I knew at once that he lost this time.

"Fine," Taehyun mumbled. "I trust you but if anything goes wrong I will forever blame myself that I couldn't stop you."

"Don't worry. We all will be dead if we failed."


"Do we have to do... this?" Soobin asked slowly.

"Of course," Taehyun said casually as he lit the candles. After agreeing on this mission, it seemed to me as if he was the most excited one though he'll never admit.

Taehyun put a black blanket over the table which was in front on the couch and place his wizard book in the middle. Around it, he made a weird star sign with chalk on the blanket. Similar sign which was on his book. The star had seven corners and on each corner he placed a candle.

"I'd like you all to sit in front of each of the candle," Taehyun said and we did as he said. As soon as we took our places, the candles' flame in front of every person changed is some way.

Cherry's burned brighter. Kai's flame turned white and Soobin's became blue. Yeonjun's candle flame was sharper and redder. Beomgyu's flame tilted towards him which was slightly green now and mine was the same yellow flame. Taehyun's flame started flickering.

"Now, we hold hands." Taehyun's voice filled the silent room. "Such that our fingertips are touching each other."
He held Cherry's hand and showed us.

"Is this safe?" Beomgyu asked. "No because you are doing this without arguing. Are you put a spell on us and kill us so that you win?"

"Even though I hate doing this, I am no murderer. I only kill people who try to mess with me," Taehyun replied.

"Good to know that we are not messing with you," Beomgyu mumbled.

"You're not messing with me. You are going on a suicide mission."

Beomgyu let out a nervous laugh and Taehyun continued. "All that we are going to do is go in the past. See stuff. And come back. Normally, travelling in the past is a difficult thing to do and not more than one person is preferred to travel.
But I know that many of you have traveled with Chaewon with skin contact. It's a way, but it's fatal."

"So you are saying that more than one person can't travel together to the past and we are seven?"

"I did not say can't. I meant should not. We can do it under special circumstances. Like the Connecting star. It binds us stronger than just skinship. Holding each other with fingertips is the strongest bond. I will be borrowing Chaewon's powers—"

"Woah woah woah," Beomgyu interrupted again. "Why can't Chaewon do it herself? That's kinda sus. Are you trying to kill—"

"Chaewon had overworked herself. Stopping time this afternoon, then she collapsed and traveled somewhere. It might had exhausted her. And if you use too much of your powers... it will end you. The atoms in your body will vaporize."

Beomgyu gasped dramatically and I cleared my throat. "L-Let's just do as he says. I trust him. He wouldn't try to kill us... hopefully."

"I will start with my spell and I would like you all to close your eyes. No peeking, or it won't work. Also, one more thing before we time travel. As we are a large number of people, we might scatter into different timelines. We might not experience it together, neither can I confirm that we all will see the same thing. If anyone of us breaks the contact, then we all come back to the present. So, don't break the contact. The spell will run out by itself. Any more questions?"

"Can people in different timeline see us?" Yeonjun asked. 

"Yes. They can see, feel and sense you. That's why you need to be careful. Don't interfere in past. It might be a life or death situation. Don't move anything and don't talk to anyone."


"Okay, let's start," Taehyun announced. We slowly curled our fingers against the other person, making a chain which made the chalk lines glow. "You need to close your eyes now."

We did. Taehyun said, "Page 23," and I heard the pages shuffle. He started chanting some spell under his breath which was difficult to make out. Slowly, I could fell energy doubling in me and then spilt into two then drain away from me. 

After a few moments, the same dizzy feeling started to kick in. This was it. I was about to see what my past was. My true past. No more secrets, no more nightmares and no more feeling of being lost. 

It was all coming to an end to start a new beginning. 

As soon as Taehyun stopped his chanting, all of us jumped into a different timeline. 

A/n: hello everyone who reached till this part of the story! thank you very much for reading and following their journey... but unfortunately the journey has to go on a break. 
Due to my finals, I am not able to write and my brain has been so occupied that I can't seem to get new ideas. 
This is the end of this season 'ACT'. The next season 'CHAPTER' will continue in April my exams end till that time.
Thanks again for all the support. 
love y'all ♡


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