𝐀𝐂𝐓 ⁰¹² : 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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ACT ⁰¹² : sleepover

I was done being a bad friend. It's been exactly five hours and twenty four minutes (plus the extra twenty minutes in the Magic Island) since we fought and I couldn't stand it.

I couldn't stand the guilty feeling. I couldn't stand the idea of this getting even worse. I couldn't stand being angry with her.

The bell of the last period rang. The last class in usually of the practice of our specialised musical instruments. On Tuesday and Thursday, we had Orchestra practice. But today (Monday) we had to do individual training.

I ran into the violin class to find her. A kind girl told me that Cherry left earlier. I thanked her and hurried outside the university. I had to catch her.

"Where are you going?" Soobin held my hand and asked as he saw me run past the bus stop.

"I need to get to Cherry."

Soobin nodded and left the grip off my hand. He smiled slightly but it looked forced.

I took a taxi to the station. Bus was going to be slower. I could have just called her... but let me tell you. I was hella awkward with phone calls no matter how close the person is to me, and a phone call apology was one thing I wasn't going to do.

I got to the station. It was almost four and her train could be arriving anytime soon. I just hoped that I won't lose her. I ran to the train station. There was a huge crowd coming out of the train. I could barely identify the different faces. I tiptoed and tired looking from the higher perspective. Then I saw her. Cherry was standing right before the door of the train. Before she could get in, I cried out her name. She turned her head around as if she was looking for the owner of the voice but she didn't find me until I called her the third time. 

"Ray..." I panted. I knew it wasn't the best time to stop and take a breath. I inhaled once and then started saying in a fast speed. "I know that I am a terrible friend. I should have told you everything but I didn't and it's my fault. It's my fault that I didn't attend your show even though I knew how much it meant for you and I am not going to use anything as an excuse. If you wanna stay mad at me... I'll be okay with your decision. Still I'll love it if you'll forgive me. I just want to say that I am extremely sorry. I truly am for ignoring you all these days. For making you feel out. I am sorry for... everything." 

The train arrived and everyone started filling in. Cherry was wide eyed until she said, "Sleepover? At my house?"

"You forgive me?" I asked, already getting on the train. 

Cherry shrugged. "I'll think about it on our way home. I believe I have a lot to catch up on."

"Oh, it's not a lot," I lied. "But it's enough story telling for a entire night. I love you."

"I am still thinking about it so don't even try." 

We both giggled. 


I had called at home informing my parents that I'll be spending my night at the Nishimura's. My mom wasn't surprised because we slept over often at each other's house. Through the train ride, I gave her a brief on the stuff so she won't be all surprised.

"So you are telling me that magic is real?" Cherry asked.

"I think so..."

"And you can time travel?"

I shrugged and Cherry squealed. "You are such a bad friend! You should have told me!"

"Well the time travel part... I got to know that today."

"I forgive you. But don't you dare hide anything from me. In fact, I have something to tell you too. It's about Taehyun. He's acting weird." Cherry said.

"Taehyun? You talked to him?"

"Yeah... he came to me first. Told me to stay away from whatever you are involved into. He told me that you were making a huge mistake."

I tried to think for a while. A huge mistake? Bringing everyone back will be a mistake? And if it will be... how did Taehyun know it? Does he know everything already?

"Did he tell you anything else?" I asked and she shooked her head. "Well, it's weird. He didn't seem to talk to me..."

Cherry and I were sitting in silence. If Taehyun wasn't talking to me, there is no way I can convince him to join in. But he is talking to Cherry...

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Cherry asks.

"Can you do it? Can you get the truth out of him?"

Cherry smirked and I smiled back at her.


We arrived at Nishimura family's house. It was ever so lively. My house is usually empty because my parents used to come home late from work or sometimes after a few days. Cherry's house was different though. Her father used to work from home a lot of times or come home at time in the evening. Her mom was an elementary teacher and she came home in the late afternoon. Jay, Cherry's younger brother was in junior high school. Everyone was present at home before dinner and ate together.

"Chaewon!" Mrs. Nishimura gave me a big hug. "It's been so long! As soon as I heard you were going to come over, I made your favorite... steak!" 

"Oh! Why did you go through all that trouble?"

"Pft... No trouble! We are more than happy to have you over."

"Thank you so much, auntie."

Mrs. Nishimura directed us to go and freshen up until she sets up the table. We ran upstairs to Cherry's room. Cherry handed me a warm hoodie and a pajama for the night. After we had changed, we headed back down and sat down at the already set up dinner table. Mrs. Nishimura's steak was delicious. We played some games with Jay on the PS4 before heading back to the main part of our night.

Cherry closed the door behind us as we all bade goodnight to each other.  

"So..." Cherry started. It was sharp midnight. "Tell me everything."

And I did. From the start, where Beomgyu and I had 'time traveled' and he had grown thorns from his back. I told her about all the weird and scary dreams I've been having. The master and a girl named Kyri, Choi Yeonjun and the world coming to an end. I briefed it up with today's incident on Magic Island. When I finished, there was a moment of silence from Cherry.  She didn't say a word until, "Wow... I... that's bizarre."


"I'm sorry for acting the way I did today... in the auditorium."

"I'm sorry as well. For not telling you everything before."

"You had reasons. I don't deserve to be angry on you when you went through so much. I thought I was the one who was going through hell."

"What happened?"

"When you were starting to act distant and all the times I asked you if you were okay, I knew you were lying and hiding something from me. I tried to be patient and waited for the time you'd tell me your problem... but in the end, I lost it," Cherry let out a dry laugh in the end. I hugged her tightly and breathed against her shoulder. I was very close to crying but I didn't have energy to cry.

Everything had been so exhausting. Hugging Cherry and being in her soft comfortable bed made me want to collapse into dark void sleep.

"We should sleep. You'd be tired as hell after all the time travelling," Cherry said as if she read my mind.

I let out a small hum in reply and it didn't take me a long time to go to sleep. And for the first time in long time, I slept peacefully with no nightmares, no weird midnight time travelling and no growing of thorns.

Cherry was magical already. She was home. And nothing was as magical as being around her.

A/n: fruity or homie?

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