𝐀𝐂𝐓 ⁰⁰⁵ : 𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫

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ACT ⁰⁰⁵ : lullaby of the star

"Are you okay?" Cherry asked. I snapped back to my senses after hearing her voice. I was spacing out again and I knew why.
The visions and dreams had frightened me to death. My head kept giving me a severe pain, even though I had taken some aspirins in the morning.

"Did you not sleep well last night? You look tired," Cherry said.

Yes, I am tired and scared, I thought but I simply just assured her that I had just been up late night because of all the assignments which I never completed before.

Somehow, she even bought my lie. It was unlikely. Cherry knew that I never spent my free time studying. Especially at night, when I loved to sleep listening to ballads in my cozy warm bed.

Me and Beomgyu were going to meet when Cherry had her violin class. It felt weird. I never, since I met Cherry, lied to her and sneaked away to hang out with someone else. It wasn't like we were dating, but why did it felt as if I was cheating on her?

Cherry parted her ways with me. The last look on her face was unreadable, but it wasn't giving me positive vibes.

Why does everything seems wrong? As if someone was trying to force a puzzle piece in the place it isn't meant to be.


Beomgyu slid a pack of banana milk in my direction. I accepted it but didn't drink it. He looked as down as I was. He sighed loudly and started, "Hey, you okay? You look pretty bad."

"You don't look nice yourself. What happened?" I looked at him.

"I asked you first."

"Well, it's just that, something doesn't feel right. The vision I saw with you doesn't feel weird anymore. I feel..."

"Scared?" He guessed correctly and I nodded. "Me too. I don't know why though. My back hurts a lot. I don't know if it's because of the babysitting or the thorns..."

Beomgyu's voice trailed off. We sighed together. I found it hilarious. Two people, sipping banana milk depressingly.

"Do you think... do you think that we know each other? Since we were young?" I asked.

"Do I think the vision is true?" Beomgyu framed my question better. He continued, "To be honest, when I first met you and Cherry, it felt... like I know you, but at the same time, I don't."

I looked at him with a terrified look. That was exactly how I was feeling now a days. It was comforting that I wasn't alone in this, but also I didn't want either of us to be in this.

"It's a ghost, I think," I said.

"You do? I think it's magic-"

"Ghosts are also magic. But whatever it is, it's driving me crazy. No matter how much I have hate my life, I don't wanna die like this."

"Hey, we are not gonna die."

"Everyone dies in horror movies... well, maybe not the main character."

"I am the main character. And you, you are the sidekick."

"Yeah yeah, of course," I nodded as my lips tucked upwards in a smile, without knowing. "Anyways, if anything happens, you tell me first. It not like anyone else will believe us anyway."

"You're right. Same goes to you too..."

That's when I remembered that I haven't told Beomgyu about the Yeonjun guy hunting me at night. I was about to tell him, but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. They just stuck at the tip of my tongue and I gulped them back. Something told me not to tell Beomgyu about it. Not because I didn't trust him. It was because I didn't trust myself.

"You made me this way. If it weren't for you, we all would be together. We all would have survived the curse." That's what the guy said. Unfortunately, I was starting to believe it. I felt as if I had done something wrong. Something which is too late to be fixed now.

Beomgyu and I parted ways. It was end of our break and I decided to catch up with Cherry. So, I headed towards my favorite place in the university... the music room.


"Impossible," I whispered. I was standing right in front of the door of the music room, my hand on the doorknob. But I couldn't make myself to open it right away.

I could hear a male voice singing and playing a piano. But that wasn't the weird part. The song he was singing was the star song. It was not just any song, it was made my me and Cherry when we were younger.

It had been years since I heard it, and it was impossible that someone other than me or Cherry could sing it.

My senses kicked back to me and I flew opened the door.

He stopped singing abruptly, looking at me wide eyed.

It was Huening Kai, the new kid from America.

"I-I am s-sorry. I'll get going," Kai apologized and got up from his seat.

I couldn't speak anything, I just kept starring at him as he crossed the big music room.

I remembered the vision of the dark night. The five guys standing alone in middle of the destroyed world. One of him was Kai. It couldn't be a coincidence. It meant something.

"Wait," I stopped him, when he was at the door. He looked at me.

"How do you know that song?" I asked.

"Uh... It was a childhood song. Probably heard it in my elementary school or something. It's stupid, I know. But I like to play it on the piano, the melody is beautiful-"

"Your elementary school? That's impossible. That song is made by me and Cherry," I blurted out, sounding stupid.

"Cherry? Huh. Then you both might be in my elementary school!" He exclaimed and smiled. His smile radiated warmth like the beaming sun. He and Beomgyu had something in common. Whenever the both smiled, it made me feel happy too.

Then something more clicked to me. I remembered the conversation with Cherry. She said Huening Kai felt familiar. It could be possible that Kai was really from the same elementary school.

"But aren't you from America?"

"I moved to America when I was twelve, because of my father's work. Before that, I lived in Seoul. And now, I am back again," Kai explained.

"That's why you are so fluent in Korean!"

"Because I am Korean. Well, half. My dad's a foreigner."

I smiled back. Kai didn't feel suspicious anymore. It could be true that we went to the same school when we were younger. As they say, the world is small.

"I am so sorry. I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Song Chaewon," I said, even though he already knew because we had the same classroom.

"I am Huening Kai."

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